Fuck yeah i`ve been slackin, whatcha gunna do aboot it?
okay now that i`ve got that aggression out lets recap whats been going on while i`ve been denying myself suicide girls. honestly i`ve just been a basketcase who has to go to work all the time, but then goes and skips. i know its not healthy im in the process of working on myself as... Read More
routine can be an ugly word, my schedule keeps changing its kind of nice... keeps me on my toes. im moving over to customer service at HSN now so i have to go through three weeks of training late night and weekends off then to a schedule midday with midweek off. yeah im slightly rambling about it, oh and i made the halloween decoration for... Read More
So.... i dont get on as much lately but its okay. im still alive.. find me on agamaggon my name is Zellee.
otherwise! i moved to a fancy appt complex... the kids are happy (maynard and molly the cats, and zellee my cuddle puppy) theres a nice hot tub just a building away.. sweet poolside when it come in season again.. exercise room... Sunscape Appts... Read More