this journal entry is brought to you by all the three letter words I can think of...
ass asp aft and ale awe awl
ade add aid air amp ado are
art apt bet bee bur bat ban
coo con cue cot cat cur dot
din dad dew die daw don ere
ear ewe err era fin fan fat
fit fig fen fie fur gel gem get gin hoe hue her his hey hay hit hip hat ire ion ice inn its ins jab jaw job kit kid lab lea lap led lot lad
law lam man map men mit mom nod nor ore oar oft oaf oat
old opt pot pat pit put pal
pet rap ref rub rue rid rod
ram rat red rue rad rip raw
sat sap spa sit set sex six
sis sue see tee tea tie use
urn vie wee wad wet wed you
there are more, but i'm bored now.
in other news, I'm on a diet of raisin bran and tuna... not together of course. Sounds awesome right? well, it's acutally not that bad. I throw in some tomato soup and different veggies and fruits from time to time. I've got to get rid of this belly!!!
Other than that not too much is going on worth mentioning. I've got 2 softball games this week. The downstairs neighbors got their car window broken by some stupid kids around here. None of the kids are fessing up to it, so therefore they (the people whose car window was broken) have to pay out of pocket what the insurance company won't cover. GAY!!! I swear to god if that had been my car I would have gone from door to door informing all of the parents that my car window had been broken (it's shattered but still intact which means whoever did it wasn't strong enough to break it all the way) and that they should shake their kids down and beat them or I'd do it for them. If i had been the child who did it, you would have known it so fast because I would have been crying my eyes out in fear of my parents I hope they figure out who did it and get those kids in trouble.
No one around here watches their kids. I've seen them as little as 4 running around outside with no adult in site. Some of you might remember me mentioning a while ago that I saw a 3 year old get run over by a car because the parents weren't paying attention to it. Everyone who has kids expects everyone else to watch their children, which is totally fucked. If your kid gets hurt, it's your fault, not mine or anyone elses.
Bah, I'm grumpy about the whole window breaking thing and lack of responsibility of adults with children...
That is all.
ass asp aft and ale awe awl
ade add aid air amp ado are
art apt bet bee bur bat ban
coo con cue cot cat cur dot
din dad dew die daw don ere
ear ewe err era fin fan fat
fit fig fen fie fur gel gem get gin hoe hue her his hey hay hit hip hat ire ion ice inn its ins jab jaw job kit kid lab lea lap led lot lad
law lam man map men mit mom nod nor ore oar oft oaf oat
old opt pot pat pit put pal
pet rap ref rub rue rid rod
ram rat red rue rad rip raw
sat sap spa sit set sex six
sis sue see tee tea tie use
urn vie wee wad wet wed you
there are more, but i'm bored now.
in other news, I'm on a diet of raisin bran and tuna... not together of course. Sounds awesome right? well, it's acutally not that bad. I throw in some tomato soup and different veggies and fruits from time to time. I've got to get rid of this belly!!!
Other than that not too much is going on worth mentioning. I've got 2 softball games this week. The downstairs neighbors got their car window broken by some stupid kids around here. None of the kids are fessing up to it, so therefore they (the people whose car window was broken) have to pay out of pocket what the insurance company won't cover. GAY!!! I swear to god if that had been my car I would have gone from door to door informing all of the parents that my car window had been broken (it's shattered but still intact which means whoever did it wasn't strong enough to break it all the way) and that they should shake their kids down and beat them or I'd do it for them. If i had been the child who did it, you would have known it so fast because I would have been crying my eyes out in fear of my parents I hope they figure out who did it and get those kids in trouble.
No one around here watches their kids. I've seen them as little as 4 running around outside with no adult in site. Some of you might remember me mentioning a while ago that I saw a 3 year old get run over by a car because the parents weren't paying attention to it. Everyone who has kids expects everyone else to watch their children, which is totally fucked. If your kid gets hurt, it's your fault, not mine or anyone elses.
Bah, I'm grumpy about the whole window breaking thing and lack of responsibility of adults with children...
That is all.
oh..heh...check yo mail,skeez
lmao ano sexual tension is soo funny but its weird how every1 can sense it