It's been way too long since my last post. But today i hope is a great day. It is only the 3rd day i have requested off the new job since i started last march and is the first time i will work less than 40 hours a week. I'm getting really tired of my job because my boss is a backstabbing bitch. I have realized is she thinks she could be help accountable for something she will try to blame it on one of us instead but i call her out on it and it has happened a few times in the last week so I'm not on her good side. Boo fucking hoo right. But yea anyway tonight i get to see In This Moment. Sevendust, Disturbed, and Korn will be there but In This Moment is the only band i care to see tonight. With the shit week i have had it will be nice to go out relax and have fun.
Boo...thats why you should never work for a girl! Way too much drama!
Yea exactly, but i know a lot of females who as cool as everyone else. My boss is jsut one of those that think she can always get her way since shes a woman. Then if you do call her out on something or get the upper hand in an argument, which is feairly easy, shes does that crying shit. I wont hit a woamn because i dont believe in it but im coming to close to kicking her in the face lol.