today started as a great day. i have today off and was catching up with old friends. the unit i wwas in 1-9 INF, some of the best guys I had the pleasure of serving with. today I found out the guy, I trained to take my place in charge of my team was shot in Iraq. hes bein sent to a hospital in the states now and his wife is going to see him. there were only a few of us that got really close which each other and he was one of them. he became more than just my replacement, he became family. all i ask is if do say a pray for Mark, hes a great friend, and a good soldier.
Update so I know what going on with you. It's been awhile just wanted to catch up and say hello
Never though I would see a 2ID patch in Iraq. I was in Kunsan while the 2ID was in Camp Casey.