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Porn is like cookies. The best ones are homemade
Almost a whole month now with quarantine and it's still boring. At least I had a good dinner lo adt night and a good horror/thriller to watch. Hope everyone else is doing well out there.
2 weeks on quarantine and now boredom is setting in 😶
Last night was a most wonderful night. I fgelt a great deal of relief when i saw on the news Osama Bin Laden was dead. For 6 years now i have been fighting depression and most of it was caused by the feeling that what i had done in Iraq was for nothign and the ultimate sacrifce my friends made was for nothing. It was...
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So, I've decided to go through my friends list here on SG and see how many people on it are still active on the site and say Hello to the ones that are. So Hello!

It's awesome to read something so powerful years after that event...
This has been the best week in a looooong time. First off i got Tuesday off so i got to kick ass on the new Mortal Kombat all day and brag to all my friends that had to work. Then Wednesday i go to my local comic shop, 3 Alarm comcs so add them to FB if you wnat to be awesome, and got the...
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Hi ! I love to read you, it's a shame, it's been a long time you didn't write :(
OK so i jsut got my PS3 back from Sony and my hard drive was wipped clean. I really wasnt surprised about it since this week has been an off and on good one. But my DC online was saved on the server so at least that went well and I just installed a brnad new Seagate 500gb hard drive. It was a bitch to...
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I had a dream last night I was dating a girl in an all girl rock band that was opening up for Ozzy. I can honestly say that was a first for me. You can imagine my dissapointment when i woke up realizing it was just a dream. I even had backstage passes, the horror.
Oh man, those kind of dreams make me want to go back to sleep when I have them!
I know right lol. Nothing more disappointing than not seeing a hot rocker chick in your bed.
I just got done working out after not being able to for a few months due to medical reasons. It feels good to get back to my routine and being able to workout without feeling like im going to die. My legs are already getting sore but it was very much worth it. Now next week ill start up training again and it's going to...
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I love that good sore feeling. I can never stick to a routine so I am jealous of you.
Ive always had good self control when it came to things such as that. It was the worst few months i can remember, not being able to work out. I felt lazy but its all doen with so I can continue with it. Hiopefully nothing else will go wrong.
The show saturday was awesome and it was really goood not to have to worry about morons at work. In This Moment was the best of the night and Korn and Sevendust were really good too. Disturbed did not sound good at all. We actually left during the middle of their set. But overall it was pretty good weekend and now i have owrk today...
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It's been way too long since my last post. But today i hope is a great day. It is only the 3rd day i have requested off the new job since i started last march and is the first time i will work less than 40 hours a week. I'm getting really tired of my job because my boss is a backstabbing bitch. I have...
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Boo...thats why you should never work for a girl! Way too much drama!
Yea exactly, but i know a lot of females who as cool as everyone else. My boss is jsut one of those that think she can always get her way since shes a woman. Then if you do call her out on something or get the upper hand in an argument, which is feairly easy, shes does that crying shit. I wont hit a woamn because i dont believe in it but im coming to close to kicking her in the face lol.
i finished 2 of my 12 hour shifts at work and i have a few left in the next 2 weeks. it wouldnt be so bad except late at night it gets boring. im doing a night shift today and im not looking forward to it. i did stock up on a case of monster so that should help keep me awake a little bit.