So it starts...
First blog least on SG.......Maybe I should talk about myself? That would be quite self satisfying and loathsome? Right?
Fuck it....I will....not because of some misguided idea of inflated self worth...but at least to start a record...a definitive beginning. Life isn't always so definitive.
So let me take a look around.....yep...still in my less the tidy apartment...I need to move those desks out of here (need a desk?) and tackle the hell hole I call a kitchen.
If you read my profile you get all the highlights of who I am. I am more though. Not in some needy extroverted way, but rather a whole universe inside.
I was a member of SG a long time ago....back in 2003-2007...pretty early on. I read some article in Revolver that included Marilyn Manson on the cover, a thrilling article about AFI being the dark lords of punk (The Sing The Sorrow Days) and this interview with Dave Navarro about Suicidie Girls with the iconic image of SG Matriarch Mary on the top of the article.
After I came back from Ireland from my Senior Trip, I signed up on SG and met a lot of cool people....almost instantly. I went to shows with these girls in Philly and Baltimore, hung with cool dudes who I feel helped steered me towards being a designer, and some all around conniseurs of fine Poison The Well.
2007 I dropped off the face of the earth for this grown up thing called college (the kind you move away to do) and became infinitely more consumed with classes, Russian Women, Yards Brewing Company, and the AKA's.
Fast forward today...erm, yesterday. After feeling out of touch with know....the community breaks down a bit and you miss the closeness you have with your mates, I rejoined SG. About 2 solid years of being the best damn designer I can be, moving up the ranks at this local city magazine...and basically kissing corporate ass, left me with a foul taste in my mouth, and bitterness in my heart.
I am a graphic designer, web developer, photographer and fine artist. That is my creative side, It stemmed from being in hardcore and metal bands when I was younger. I love what I do..I get work with local bands helping the create an identity and a brand that makes them feel legit and empowered. I do this on the cheap too, because good work begets good work. I do all these titles quite well....which is why I feel the emptiness I have. Need a website built? Fuck ya, I am your man! Need your corporate style guide revamp! Boom, I'm there. Need a brand advertising campaign! Sure...I'll just sell my soul just a bit for your money.
I was an empty shell, needing a boost.
I found it in my buddy's band Meet At Sundown. I did work for them, creating a logo, a couple of band shirts and some marketing advice about Twitter. We were all good friends anyways, but that infectious groove a killer song dug in deep in my flesh, and I remember having one of the biggest smiles I can remember in a long time in small, overflowing dinky garage practice space on a gray rainy night in Landisburg, Pa.
So I quit the magazine, start working for a medical organization as their graphic designer and social media guy. It gave me a lot more free time and more opportunities to do the things I wanted to do. I listen to southern metal and hardcore, I design great stuff for family physicians and for bands and the food and entertainment industry, I manage and book a few bands and I work constant doing photo sets for people dressed up as comic book characters at comic conventions.
I was getting it all back....except the community part.
I was still missing that. I had been a corporate stiff and yuppie just to establish myself too long..I viewed almost every everyone someone related to business, not thinking they actually want to know me.
So I am back to SG, where the feelings for community and communication first were instilled in me.
I hope to get that back.
More to come soon....
- Tim
First blog least on SG.......Maybe I should talk about myself? That would be quite self satisfying and loathsome? Right?
Fuck it....I will....not because of some misguided idea of inflated self worth...but at least to start a record...a definitive beginning. Life isn't always so definitive.
So let me take a look around.....yep...still in my less the tidy apartment...I need to move those desks out of here (need a desk?) and tackle the hell hole I call a kitchen.
If you read my profile you get all the highlights of who I am. I am more though. Not in some needy extroverted way, but rather a whole universe inside.
I was a member of SG a long time ago....back in 2003-2007...pretty early on. I read some article in Revolver that included Marilyn Manson on the cover, a thrilling article about AFI being the dark lords of punk (The Sing The Sorrow Days) and this interview with Dave Navarro about Suicidie Girls with the iconic image of SG Matriarch Mary on the top of the article.
After I came back from Ireland from my Senior Trip, I signed up on SG and met a lot of cool people....almost instantly. I went to shows with these girls in Philly and Baltimore, hung with cool dudes who I feel helped steered me towards being a designer, and some all around conniseurs of fine Poison The Well.
2007 I dropped off the face of the earth for this grown up thing called college (the kind you move away to do) and became infinitely more consumed with classes, Russian Women, Yards Brewing Company, and the AKA's.
Fast forward today...erm, yesterday. After feeling out of touch with know....the community breaks down a bit and you miss the closeness you have with your mates, I rejoined SG. About 2 solid years of being the best damn designer I can be, moving up the ranks at this local city magazine...and basically kissing corporate ass, left me with a foul taste in my mouth, and bitterness in my heart.
I am a graphic designer, web developer, photographer and fine artist. That is my creative side, It stemmed from being in hardcore and metal bands when I was younger. I love what I do..I get work with local bands helping the create an identity and a brand that makes them feel legit and empowered. I do this on the cheap too, because good work begets good work. I do all these titles quite well....which is why I feel the emptiness I have. Need a website built? Fuck ya, I am your man! Need your corporate style guide revamp! Boom, I'm there. Need a brand advertising campaign! Sure...I'll just sell my soul just a bit for your money.
I was an empty shell, needing a boost.
I found it in my buddy's band Meet At Sundown. I did work for them, creating a logo, a couple of band shirts and some marketing advice about Twitter. We were all good friends anyways, but that infectious groove a killer song dug in deep in my flesh, and I remember having one of the biggest smiles I can remember in a long time in small, overflowing dinky garage practice space on a gray rainy night in Landisburg, Pa.
So I quit the magazine, start working for a medical organization as their graphic designer and social media guy. It gave me a lot more free time and more opportunities to do the things I wanted to do. I listen to southern metal and hardcore, I design great stuff for family physicians and for bands and the food and entertainment industry, I manage and book a few bands and I work constant doing photo sets for people dressed up as comic book characters at comic conventions.
I was getting it all back....except the community part.
I was still missing that. I had been a corporate stiff and yuppie just to establish myself too long..I viewed almost every everyone someone related to business, not thinking they actually want to know me.
So I am back to SG, where the feelings for community and communication first were instilled in me.
I hope to get that back.
More to come soon....
- Tim