Sunday Morning.....11 hours after YMCA overnight...

I'm going to bed....

I will blog later today....I have a funny story about last night to share.

Today has been productive.

7am, woke up, stretched a ton, worked out for bit, ran from here to the capital building.

8am, plopped in front of computer to work on websites, write blog posts and check up with social media outlets.

12pm, Time for a bagel.

12:05, back to work.

7:30 Time to Blog on SG.

I was working on my website Azrael Group and...
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Busy day! You've inspired me to write down my goals. I never have in my entire life but they say you're supposed to. I can't even get that far. That's pretty bad.smile
Yea. I was pretty busy....I'm happy today will be much more slow paced with just a some photo sets I need to edit. Writing down your goals, I have found, is very helpful. For me, it's a good reminder of long term stuff....plus when you write them down, I feel more compelled to finish them. Somehow, writing down your thoughts and goals makes them more real. This is at least what I believe, I have never been one manage multiple things just by remembering it all.

meh...you'll find a system that works for you....I wrote my goals on a big poster board and on my ipad...that way I always see the poster board before I leave my apartment...and the Ipad is always with me. Thats works for me pretty well.

Not drinking an AMP energy drink is going be tough...its the only energy I like and having them in the morning lately has been too routine...breaking that is going to suck.
"We live each day likes it Friday Night!" - Meet At Sundown.

Yea, I keep bringing them up. sorry if it sounds like shameless promotion...but in PA...god...they are the only local band in Central PA that doesn't sound like August Burns Red.

Those guys are truly great pals of mine. The drummer, Mark and have known each other for 13 years. When you think...
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Early Morning Post....or is it a late night post.

Who the fuck cares, I'm physically tired...but mentally wired.

I spent some time....a lot of time actually.....speaking to a model friend of mine who does a lot modeling for.....shit...I don't really know...she has amazing photos, but I don't know what they are used for.

A recent set she did was for a nursing magazine, but a...
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Productive day today!

I was sitting in my office listening to remixes of Jefferson Airplane. I needed a break from Mastodon and Dillinger Escape Plan for a little bit. So somehow....I became enthralled doing this 3D perspective booth map that is a diagram of how my day job is going to setup at this conference in Philadelphia. Playing around in Illustrator is always a treat,...
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Welcome, thanks for the comment on my set, I really loved it!love
So it starts...

First blog entry......at least on SG.......Maybe I should talk about myself? That would be quite self satisfying and loathsome? Right?

Fuck it....I will....not because of some misguided idea of inflated self worth...but at least to start a record...a definitive beginning. Life isn't always so definitive.

So let me take a look around.....yep...still in my less the tidy apartment...I need to move those...
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