Thank you America, for not fucking it up again.
I know that some of my close friends on the other side of the pond, while not being pro-McCain, were also no happy with the "shady" Obama.
Honestly, being an Italian and knowing little of the true insights of American politics, I can only be happy now.
I'm quite sure not many things will change, as politicians in the end are all the same bunch, but at least something has changed, in a world that's running blindly towards its end, every day at a faster pace.
..remember, remember, the fifth of November...
This was surely a good way to start a great day, as it's the second month spent with the one woman who completely stole my heart forever... Gufina
I love you C.!!!
I know that some of my close friends on the other side of the pond, while not being pro-McCain, were also no happy with the "shady" Obama.
Honestly, being an Italian and knowing little of the true insights of American politics, I can only be happy now.
I'm quite sure not many things will change, as politicians in the end are all the same bunch, but at least something has changed, in a world that's running blindly towards its end, every day at a faster pace.
..remember, remember, the fifth of November...
This was surely a good way to start a great day, as it's the second month spent with the one woman who completely stole my heart forever... Gufina
I love you C.!!!
Ailoviu too.