rawr. so it REALLY irritates me when a friend drops off the face of the world because they start dating someone. seriously. it's like, 3 different friends that have done that to me lately. little do they know, that means that when they get dumped and need a shoulder to cry on, i'm NOT gonna be there. i'm not friends to people that aren't capable of being friends in return. that's just shitty.
Completely on the same page with you... friends who aren't FRIENDS are the bane of my existence...
that used to bother me, too. until i realized that when my friends meet someone they really like, they almost can't help but want to spend those first few weeks completely infatuated...the most fun part is usually the very beginning, anyways, when theyre getting to know someone new that they want to know a lot about...i mean, i know it seems shitty, but i'll admit ive been there before. instead of being offended, i just changed my perspective and, knowing they were a friend before, decided to just be excited for them and know that, if they're a good friend, once things calm down a little, they'd come back. and most of the time they apologize for being MIA. being a good friend is give and take, and it certainly requires patience and understanding on both ends...i dont think your friends mean to be shitty people, they're just human beings and we can all get like that..most of the time we don't mean it. *shrug*