I opened an Etsy store!!! I only have four different bracelets up right now, but I'm adding more. It seems like hand-chains are popular on there, so I might try to make a few. I'm just a little short on time right now because I'm prepping a lot of food for my sister's baby shower... But I really want my Etsy store to be successful,... Read More
WTF?!? so someone decided to steal my pictures and post them on flickr... they go by stephyzombiekiller... and they're claiming to be me. someone on mygirlfund told me, so i assumed it'd be something slutty... but now i'm thinking (from the icon pictures i can see), that they actually stole my pictures from twitter. SERIOUSLY!?! TWITTER STALKER STATUS?!?! fuck. you gotta know this person doesn't... Read More
i know i've ranted about this before, but i'm super fucking tired of my "friend".... i don't care if we don't talk and if she's wasting her time just laying around her boyfriend's bed. i mean, lacking a job or any sort of path is fine because she has a mom that'll take care of her when she gets dumped and has no money or... Read More
feeling the crunch. the week month isn't even half over and i'm completely broke. i have no way to pay my car insurance this month... and i need to pay a fucking ticket. i have court for that on wednesday. soooooooooo effed. it shouldn't only be $100, but i hope they let me make payments because i'm THAT broke.