It's been insanely long since I've updated this blog.
One year ago, I was just arriving home from a few years of travelling, and I had all these plans.
I didn't quite realize that sometimes things don't go as planned.
I went back to my old job for a little while, then my boss retired and sold her business.
I got a job via a friend for a few months, which I hated, and felt completely useless at every day. And I realized there's a damn good reason for that saying about not working with friends.
I have been working temp though an agency ever since, moslty doing on call stuff for this large PR firm. I wish they would just hire me full-time already. I suppose it's far more convenient paying me hourly.
I have no motivation right now to look for a proper job, because I've come to this realization that I hate working in an office. I hate everything about it. Especially the fact that there is really no tangible outcome to my effort. I just move one pile of work to someone else who moves it to someone else etc.
I need to be doing something far more creative, I need to use my hands, I want to create, I want a tangible outcome.
Do I start all over again? Do I go back to school? I'm already HUGELY in debt with uni tuition.
I think I need a push of sorts.
One year ago, I was just arriving home from a few years of travelling, and I had all these plans.
I didn't quite realize that sometimes things don't go as planned.
I went back to my old job for a little while, then my boss retired and sold her business.
I got a job via a friend for a few months, which I hated, and felt completely useless at every day. And I realized there's a damn good reason for that saying about not working with friends.
I have been working temp though an agency ever since, moslty doing on call stuff for this large PR firm. I wish they would just hire me full-time already. I suppose it's far more convenient paying me hourly.
I have no motivation right now to look for a proper job, because I've come to this realization that I hate working in an office. I hate everything about it. Especially the fact that there is really no tangible outcome to my effort. I just move one pile of work to someone else who moves it to someone else etc.
I need to be doing something far more creative, I need to use my hands, I want to create, I want a tangible outcome.
Do I start all over again? Do I go back to school? I'm already HUGELY in debt with uni tuition.

I think I need a push of sorts.

For a city that is suppose to be full of great jobs I'd like to know where they all are