So I guess this is the time I should be wishing you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you all had a happy holidays, and have gotten crackin on your NY resolutions.
I'm back in the mother land.. at home with the parental units in Toronto. And this time it's a little permanent.
I returned to Canada mid Nov, and spent some time out west in Vancouer visiting friends, then went on a little adventure to Edmonton & Calgary.
Got sick with E.coli, not sure how I managed that, especially after making it safely out of Asia with out getting sick.... spent a week on my bestfriends couch thinking I was going to die.
My mother's mom passed away last week, so I spent my first week back in toronto going to funerals. = /
I am totally familied out now after christmas, and can't wait to get away again. Lucky for me Dad decided to book a family get away in a few weeks on a cruise ship in the Carribean. So me and the sea can reconnect sooner then I thought. *sigh* I so miss the beach.
My jeans are fitting tighter, I can't believe all this holiday eating I've been doing. I can't wait until January where I can wipe all the slates clean and start my "life"
I'm back in the mother land.. at home with the parental units in Toronto. And this time it's a little permanent.
I returned to Canada mid Nov, and spent some time out west in Vancouer visiting friends, then went on a little adventure to Edmonton & Calgary.
Got sick with E.coli, not sure how I managed that, especially after making it safely out of Asia with out getting sick.... spent a week on my bestfriends couch thinking I was going to die.
My mother's mom passed away last week, so I spent my first week back in toronto going to funerals. = /
I am totally familied out now after christmas, and can't wait to get away again. Lucky for me Dad decided to book a family get away in a few weeks on a cruise ship in the Carribean. So me and the sea can reconnect sooner then I thought. *sigh* I so miss the beach.
My jeans are fitting tighter, I can't believe all this holiday eating I've been doing. I can't wait until January where I can wipe all the slates clean and start my "life"
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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