For the life of me, I will never understand why the media chooses to spotlight murders of any type. Yahoo has an article right now "with stunning new photos of the Newtown Shooter." So what? Why publish that? Why glorify him, and others before him, and others after him, instead of glorifying the lives of he and others took. It's not like there's no evidence to prove that glorifying a murderer increases murders. Stop telling people that it's okay for them to take lives, they'll be forever remembered for it, with their face plastered all over the media and forever on the internet. Start making victims people, make them human, make others connect to them, so that their loss is more than just a "that's a shame it happened" and more of "God, I feel like I know that person, and my whole being aches for what happened to them." While I will be the first to tell you that mental illness is serious shit, and people need better access to care and help, I will also be the first to tell you that in a world that glorifies and idolizes violent people, the violence will never stop until we start glorifying and idolizing victims for their lives, strength, courage, and the loss of their light in this world.
He is just such a social animal. He seems to get along with everyone. We let him run around with one of our cats and they seem to play. Stew is the dominate one thought