So yesterday afternoon, I managed to get into my chiropractor. After checking to make sure my pain was not related to meningitis or having a heart attack, she located not one, but three ribs in various states of dislocate on my left side. There might be some on my right, but since I nearly hurled all over her carpet when she worked on the left, she decided to wait to check the right. We have started the slow process of putting them back in place. I felt great for a while after she worked on me, but then it wore off, mainly, when I tried to eat. Apparently, I have at least another week to look forward to like this. I don't really know how I'm going to do it. Even eating slllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllly is impossible, since apparently the ones that are dislocated are right above that portion of my digestive tract, where food has to go around a curve to make it to the stomach. I can't even drink. I mean, I do, but I feel like passing out for about 5 minutes afterward. Not exactly accomplishing much. I have the shakes so bad today it's not even funny. Pain relievers and alternating hot and cold are my instructions until I go see her again tomorrow. Problem is, I'm allergic to all the "good" painkillers, and taking a fist full of ibprofen and tylenol is a pain, literally. I am going to stop at the grocery store on my way to work today and find either some ensure or some smoothies to live off, and see how that works.
nuh-UH!!! you are all of that and more... 

but, of course!