Okay, slightly more informative post, I guess.
About 6 or 7 months ago, Lilly, our rabbit was HELLA sick. I mean, not sure she was going to make it through the day sick. She had symptoms of a stroke, and later had a seizure in my arms. She was eventually diagnoised with vitamin D toxicity (don't ask me how that happened) and a blood-born parasite. Both were conditions that the vet felt she would have symptoms from for the rest of her life. I was advised to put her down on several occasions. But she wanted to fight, and we fought with her. Eventually, she recovered what seemed to be fully. Until this morning, when she didn't meet me at her door when I opened the fridge. She won't eat or drink, and she's depressed. I finally got some pedialite into her, but not much. We'll start forcefeeding her milk replacer and yogurt here in an hour or so if she doesn't start to eat on her own.
Molly's ultrasound came back clear yesterday, she's not bred. This is twice now, that she's not taken. Next time I will have to have her AI'd to ensure it. It's kinda a big suck situation. But we'll live.
Padme isn't up to date on her shots like I was told she is. So now I can't sell her until after Dec 7th, cause that was the earliest the vets could get her in to finish them. She's either running a silent heat, or working on coming into heat, and that also sucks, cause Finn wants to kill Jabba already. Hell, I want to kill Jabba already. He screams all fucking night, cause he's bored. Doesn't matter how long you play with him, or how many walks he goes for, I swear the dog doesn't sleep, EVAR.
Some of this will get better when we can finally move. The home inspection is scheduled for tomorrow. Hope it all goes well. Then we can move the first of the year. And things will be better. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
About 6 or 7 months ago, Lilly, our rabbit was HELLA sick. I mean, not sure she was going to make it through the day sick. She had symptoms of a stroke, and later had a seizure in my arms. She was eventually diagnoised with vitamin D toxicity (don't ask me how that happened) and a blood-born parasite. Both were conditions that the vet felt she would have symptoms from for the rest of her life. I was advised to put her down on several occasions. But she wanted to fight, and we fought with her. Eventually, she recovered what seemed to be fully. Until this morning, when she didn't meet me at her door when I opened the fridge. She won't eat or drink, and she's depressed. I finally got some pedialite into her, but not much. We'll start forcefeeding her milk replacer and yogurt here in an hour or so if she doesn't start to eat on her own.
Molly's ultrasound came back clear yesterday, she's not bred. This is twice now, that she's not taken. Next time I will have to have her AI'd to ensure it. It's kinda a big suck situation. But we'll live.
Padme isn't up to date on her shots like I was told she is. So now I can't sell her until after Dec 7th, cause that was the earliest the vets could get her in to finish them. She's either running a silent heat, or working on coming into heat, and that also sucks, cause Finn wants to kill Jabba already. Hell, I want to kill Jabba already. He screams all fucking night, cause he's bored. Doesn't matter how long you play with him, or how many walks he goes for, I swear the dog doesn't sleep, EVAR.
Some of this will get better when we can finally move. The home inspection is scheduled for tomorrow. Hope it all goes well. Then we can move the first of the year. And things will be better. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
Maybe we should give the damn Hutt some chamomille tea with his food. Or some valium.