So I chopped off my hair, and my industrial is healing well. It still fucking hurts, and is easily irritated, but it's getting there.
My room is a mess. I need to be a big girl and do a massive clean and throw a ton of shit out. Maybe Thursday?
Word is finally properly installed on this beast, so I can write again! WEEE! Some of you know what that means....
August, I've decided, is my least favorite month. Hate it. Want it to go away. September can come with cooler weather. I approve of September.
Really, that's all for now.
All my step-siblings live on the East Coast, and our respective families didn't typically get together for holidays. My brother met them all over the years thanks to living in Colorado before my folks retired to South Carolina, but I was always somewhere else, like Chicago.
Funny thing my mom always tells us is that my brother and I were 1000 times better than any of them at sending birthday cards and Father's Day cards.
and, dood, nothing is ever ok anymore. meh...