Thank you, firstly, to all those who wished me a happy birthday. I was informed that I'm officially in my mid-twenties now. You know what? It doesn't feel any different than my early twenties.
The pups are 4 weeks old tomorrow. Insane. I would have taken pictures today, but I forgot the camera. On Tuesday's list of things to do.
I moved the two I'm hand raising into a crate today. That seems to be going well. Next step is eating/drinking from a dish, and not a bottle, so I can start to free up some time, since feeding them now takes between 20-45 minutes. They have found their voice. They growl, they howl, they bark, they scream. It's been interesting, to say the least. Will about killed himself trying to get to the box the first time he heard the little female growl.
I have a 6 page essay due Wednesday. I have 1.3 pages done. I'm working on it, really, but so much other shit is going on. The pups, both jobs, trying to get the house taken care of. Crazy shit, all around. I'll get it done, but I might sacrifice the reading for Wednesday to do it.
On June 11th, Premier starts. I'm not taking any of my own dogs, but I am lucky enough to show Mason, a friend's Rhodesian Ridgeback. I am so stoked. I adore this boy, and I am beyond honored to show him for Roxanne. *squee*
really that's all I got. Oh, I got a wicked sunburn. There's that.
The pups are 4 weeks old tomorrow. Insane. I would have taken pictures today, but I forgot the camera. On Tuesday's list of things to do.
I moved the two I'm hand raising into a crate today. That seems to be going well. Next step is eating/drinking from a dish, and not a bottle, so I can start to free up some time, since feeding them now takes between 20-45 minutes. They have found their voice. They growl, they howl, they bark, they scream. It's been interesting, to say the least. Will about killed himself trying to get to the box the first time he heard the little female growl.
I have a 6 page essay due Wednesday. I have 1.3 pages done. I'm working on it, really, but so much other shit is going on. The pups, both jobs, trying to get the house taken care of. Crazy shit, all around. I'll get it done, but I might sacrifice the reading for Wednesday to do it.
On June 11th, Premier starts. I'm not taking any of my own dogs, but I am lucky enough to show Mason, a friend's Rhodesian Ridgeback. I am so stoked. I adore this boy, and I am beyond honored to show him for Roxanne. *squee*
really that's all I got. Oh, I got a wicked sunburn. There's that.
And I'll watch anything that Bruce Campbell is in. Anything. I was pretty sure I was the only one who ever watched "Jack of All Trades", his super cheesy adventure sitcom in 2000. haha.