I am working (heh, "working") on all the shit I have due in the next two weeks. I have two midterms left, and four papers due, and one due right after spring break. Joy.
I also want to get all the dog's medical records on the computer, so I can make my life easier. But I haven't made it that far today. I need to clean up around here too. I will. Eventually.
There's a false sense of spring around here. It's 55 and sunny. We have the windows open, it's amazing. I want to ride, but it's mud and ice, and not going to happen. They're calling for snow on Thursday again, so I guess I enjoy this while it's here. The dogs are elated. Doobie refuses to come back into the house.
Anyways. I'm off to work on some more papers.
Sometimes, I wish my husband listened to the same music as me, so when he'd hear a song, he'd go, "Oh, that makes me think of Wife." But he doesn't listen to the same music, so I do it for him. Like this one.
I don't know that song. Who sings it?