I'm doing okay though. I'm into the second week, and adjusting a little better. I seem to finally sorted out some sort of sleep pattern. I have come to tolerate, even like, a few of my professors. And I think I might be able to make it through the semester here, and maybe earn a degree without hoping schools again. It's early still, so things could revert back to the "I FUCKING HATE THIS PLACE AND I WANT TO GO HOME" mindset yet. But I'm optimistic.
Right now I am hungry and poor. I need to locate food, but it's outside my comfort zone, and I'm not sure I want to go that far yet. Can one live off of smoothies? That tiny place is in my comfort zone.
The bookstore has lots of things I want. But I'm being good. I have decided though, that by the end of the semester I will have gotten Will a GVSU alumni shirt, since he is now alumni and not student. Plus when I get him sweatshirts, I get to wear them.
They say there is a(nother) storm coming tonight. I do not remember a winter this severe. I hope this ends soon. It's a little scary, and my anxiety has increased by a kabillion since I went off the pill, so I hate driving in anything resembling precipitation. So I might have a snow day tomorrow.
I am tired of blonde already.
I had way more fun as a brunette. I think I shall go back. Maybe with some red bangs and a red chunk on the back of my head. Hmmm.. However, I cannot dye my own hair. it is a terrible disaster. I am also considering chopping it up again (Monster, I swear if you post anything related to Willow's hair, I will lock you in your cage with a whomping Willow, and I mean that with love). But I don't know what to do, and I don't have money, the side effect of being a student. And also having friends who are having babies (60 bucks for a diaper bag?!)
We are waiting to hear if the house we want sold at auction this weekend. If it didn't, we're going to try and make an offer and get that shit going. But it's ultra scary to me, still. Especially since Hub's boss is a total idiot and he makes me hella nervous with his mood swings and stupid inability to run a business anywhere other than into the ground.
But anyways. That is where life is at in the Azkadellia-verse.
Be safe kids, and go give lilli some love, she's feeling a little blue.
First Rate Vagina.