Hello, bed sets.
So. I finished the outline on the blanket, and started the ducks head. Big day. But then I took a nap. Well, actually, I took the nap first, then started on the duck's head. And I ate a lot of chocolate today. Which is okay, cause I'm PMSing like a mofo. So anyone who I've been bitchy to lately.... well, no. Nevermind, that was probably still me.
With Iggy's help, I've decided to get a tattoo after my student loan money comes back. That's putting my education to good use, isn't it? Maybe I'll get several. I mean, shit, if you're in the chair..... My elephant and my quotes. My poor husband is going to have a fit.
Chicago is still in the air. Hubby has all these friends with all these plans, and well, these plans take money. And we don't have money. Simple fact of life.
Why didn't any of you remind me to do my exercises? Now my uterus hurts! I blame you.
I need new clothes. Apparently ones that don't have cartoon characters or hoods on them. What the fuck am I? 23? Oh. Right.
So. I finished the outline on the blanket, and started the ducks head. Big day. But then I took a nap. Well, actually, I took the nap first, then started on the duck's head. And I ate a lot of chocolate today. Which is okay, cause I'm PMSing like a mofo. So anyone who I've been bitchy to lately.... well, no. Nevermind, that was probably still me.
With Iggy's help, I've decided to get a tattoo after my student loan money comes back. That's putting my education to good use, isn't it? Maybe I'll get several. I mean, shit, if you're in the chair..... My elephant and my quotes. My poor husband is going to have a fit.

Chicago is still in the air. Hubby has all these friends with all these plans, and well, these plans take money. And we don't have money. Simple fact of life.
Why didn't any of you remind me to do my exercises? Now my uterus hurts! I blame you.
I need new clothes. Apparently ones that don't have cartoon characters or hoods on them. What the fuck am I? 23? Oh. Right.

the ducks head sounds very stylish

tell me about it