Hmm, well. I guess this is my 1st blog entry here. I believe I will briefly go into a subject that haunted the prior century through each decade of it. Fascism, which should be a subject we all care about. Those who are not concerned, should be, because who can really say at this point that they are absolutely protected by the bill of rights...
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Nice Pics.......It's hard to find women in my age bracket that are still hot and intelligent also....Why haven't we met yet love

[Edited on Oct 23, 2005 7:04PM]

[Edited on Oct 23, 2005 10:18PM]
Dec.10th.-- I`m the 16th.---I like where your head is at!!! ( that comes with TIME) it`s called wisdom. Remember back when you joined , you had some bold pictures my complements to you!!!! It`s good to see that your still SG--- have two sons 7/29/69 & 12/9/71 ---My life mate is 10/20/67 she is SG but stays anonymous . Both sons are good looking an I`am not just saying that. An Di is very attractive as you are!!! This is the most I have done in writting in some time thank god for the thesaurus, have dyslexia. Wish I get thing out like you do. Hope to see you on my friend list---- you seen to keep it tight . Thanks WOOLY smile smile biggrin biggrin

[Edited on May 24, 2006 3:20PM]