Well the weekend was pretty uneventful. Got some stuff done around the house but just pretty much vegged. OH yea we do have a dog for a few days. We will have "wookie" until Thursday morning because two of our friends took a trip to Vegas and while they had their kids off to grandmas they needed someone to watch their dog. They had a lady lined up but they said she was a bit "weird" (hmmm i thought I was weird LOL) and well during the day the dog would be locked up in a kennel until she got home in the evening so they would have preferred it where the dog could run around & with me being still "at home mommy" they offered it to me. Its cool though. Gets us a little extra spending money which is cool
Otherwise we just stayed inside and stayed cool this weekend.
Tommorow is Gabe's birthday...he's going to be 27! Woohoo he's getting up there..more bday spanks for me to give hehehehe
Otherwise we just stayed inside and stayed cool this weekend.
Tommorow is Gabe's birthday...he's going to be 27! Woohoo he's getting up there..more bday spanks for me to give hehehehe
Let's see today is Gabe's birthday. He turned 27! WOOHOOO
I get to give him 27 spanks hehehe
I love him to death and hope to make tonight a memorable one!
I love you baby!
Happy birthday!