Last night I went to see Laurell K. Hamilton at the book signing at the Borders in Bailey's Crossroad area here in Virginia. In case you don't know about her, she's pretty much the reason that vampire novels\vampire romances are such a big fucking deal these days. I never liked vampire fiction of any sort (despite being a long term goth), until I picked up "Guilty Pleasures" and now I'm hooked. It was my first time seeing the lady in person and I quite enjoyed the experience. If you want to check her out her website is:
Anyway, the real reason I'm mentioning this is because three people behind my husdand and I in line was a super cute punk gal in an SG hoodie. We struck up a conversation with her and her momma and ended up hanging out with them for several hours at the event. We then spent the night chatting online once we got home and we will hopefully be hooking up with her for an event in Georgetown tonight
It's a small world and SG is a wonderful part of it!
Anyway, the real reason I'm mentioning this is because three people behind my husdand and I in line was a super cute punk gal in an SG hoodie. We struck up a conversation with her and her momma and ended up hanging out with them for several hours at the event. We then spent the night chatting online once we got home and we will hopefully be hooking up with her for an event in Georgetown tonight