So to cut a long story short, tonight I had to let my ex manager know that he was no longer working in our store.
There had been a lot of bad blood between us after he threatened to dock my wages and swore at me in front of customers. I had to deal with 18 months of hell at work while he acted high and mighty over me. The store was stagnating and we barely stayed open. Finally after several customer complaints as well as my complains finally being listened to at HO, he stepped down to a floor level position.
I worked my ass of for the last 5 months and finally last month I was officially promoted to 2IC. The store is doing amazingly well and the customers are coming through the doors thick and fast. Tonight I finally got to let him know he wasnt going to be working for us for the foreseeable future. Karma!?! If it is I still feel awful because I hate having to do things like this, I dont think hes an evil guy, I just think that he has zero inter personal skills. Even so, its no excuse to be a dick human being. I just dont understand why I still feel sorry for him. I wish him all the best in his future, I just hope our paths never cross again!
Thanks for listening to my rant. I hope that your night is better than mine.
Any of you have good karma stories?