So what did I do at work today? We I had to do the usual retail goodness of stock and customer service BUT I managed to also get paid to play 2 games of magic the gathering Commander as well as a game of X-Wing. I love my job!
So what would people like to know about me? I have a few followers now, which does surprise me a lot!
How about I tell you some of the cooler stories from my past.
When I was 13 I was in the UK at school and we went on a battlefields trip of WWI sites. We went to a place called Delville Woods where there was a large battle between the Germans and South Africans. We were allowed to wander around and do as we wished as long as we stayed to the paths. Me being me, decided that I would look for some cool shrapnel (we had a competition for the best bit) and low and behold, at the base of a tree were what looked like metal eggs. They were unexploded grenades! Well they hadn't blown up in 80 years so i grabbed one to go win the shrapnel competition. Tossing it in the air like a ball, i showed all my mates, who shared my enthusiasm. My teacher however was not so impressed, he turned white, told me to slowly put it down and to get on the bus! I am still famous at my old school, where teachers tell of an idiotic child who picked up a live grenade on the trip. Little do the teachers know that my mates and I were also throwing stones at un-exploded bombs at the side of the road (there's hundreds of un-exploded bombs across the area that are just piled up at the side of the road) goodness knows how we survived!
Turns out the day that I found the grenade was also the day I had a very special personal blessing from the Pope. Coincidence? Who knows!