Well, the weekend just gone marked the 31st time that I have rotated the sun! Luckily here in Western Australia we have very little in the way of rules in regards to COVID. A mix of being so isolated AND the fact that the general population has been distancing has allowed life to come back to relative normality.

It was a great party, food was...
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Today was one of those days that nothing goes right, even now, 2 hours after I finished work, its not really finished.

It started with me having to hand out two bans from the store. First was a case of a person buying and selling cards in the store... Again. Its not a new rule, its one that has always been in place, he got...
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This is the almost finished result of my forearm tattoos. It started off as a tribute to a friend who I lost from Cancer last year. I got the mark of the Valkyrie to which was always a running joke that when we died it would be in a shieldwall (we were historical reenactors) and would be carried off by the Valkyrie. We were meant to get matching ones when he came over to Australia, however his cancer was far more widespread than first thought and he never made it. From there it evolved as I didnt like the negative space. The first one was Jörmungandr to fill the back side of the forearm, then once that had healed, my artist filled more of the gaps with beautiful knotwork. The Viking Moth is a tribute to my LARP warband, they supported me through the first game that I played after losing my friend. Once my artist is free again (damn COVID) I will get the moth shaded as well as the elbow area filled with more knotwork. I hope you like!


So I most definitely have one of the best jobs going. I run a nerd store. We sell board games, Trading card games like Magic, Pokemon and yugioh as well as Dungeons and Dragons, Role play games in general and tabletop wargames.

It has been my goal since I was 21 to run my own games store. I got my management experience working for Games...
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I really loved VS system. Too bad it came as fast as it went.

There seems to be a running belief that in Australia it doesnt rain. This is complete bollocks! It just rarely rains, usually when it does, you have to wait months to see another drop. Coming from England, a lot of people over say "Mate, you must love it here with all the sunshine" I tend to respond with "Not really, I miss the rain". TO...
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Austrália ❤️

Well, Im back, not that anyone really would have missed me or noticed my absence here but HEY!

Notable changes in my life, 67kgs lost, fitter and healthier than ever before. Going through my divorce, I am now manager of the store I love and about to get another promotion, even with all the Covid going around, my state is one of the safest places...
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So to cut a long story short, tonight I had to let my ex manager know that he was no longer working in our store.

There had been a lot of bad blood between us after he threatened to dock my wages and swore at me in front of customers. I had to deal with 18 months of hell at work while he acted high...
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So I went to another X-Wing tournament today. This time a tad closer to home at only 1.5hrs away in Bunbury. An absolutely fantastic tournament with 9 others playing. I managed to get 4th place with 2 victories and 2 loses. It was a tad frustrating with the person who came 3rd getting away with some dodgy and poor playing to get his 2nd victory...
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