Time to write some.
What happened to me since the beginning of the month? Well, ups and downs. For ten days, it goes well but the first days of the year were pretty tough. I spent the phases of depression with high and very, very low. Sometimes in the same day, I could go through different mental states ... What are the reasons for all this? Hmm ... There are different things but most important is that I opened a big issue in my last session with my shrink. This file is so large that it will take me several sessions to describe it before starting to understand. I knew I would have to open the folder that contains all my madness and that it would be difficult for me to talk to someone ... The problem was finding the right time to do ... And I think I have not chosen the right time. Since that meeting earlier this month, I have not seen my shrink (his wife has major health problems and is off for now). I remain a sense of unease ... The day after this session, I was really bad ... I hope to resume work quickly to free myself from all this.
Well, if I made the sales and ... I even bought shoes. I still wait on 3 new pairs during the week!! I will continue to put a picture here. For now, I take a picture in my apartment but I'll start putting them in a situation!! Ah! Ah!
In addition, level work, my team left the University this week. It's the end of a period. After 14 years in this university, I leave with some regret: regrets of the university atmosphere, regrets the location of the university. But I have no regrets about the evolution of research in the university. In short, sociological research, and more broadly in the humanities, is now bursting open mouth. The news is happening elsewhere now, even in small teams like our private self. Now, our office will be in Montfort-sur-Meu (a small town near Rennes, my city). So I will live in the city and go to work in the countryside, its cool!
Speaking of work, I have many interventions planned until the end of March. These are all interventions on the use of the computer, Internet, social networks and video games by young people. For my speech last Tuesday, I was looking for the Leroy Jenkins video. In the searching, I fell on others I knew. Including that of the young German. I share them here. Every time I see them, I wonder whether it is better to laugh than cry! Still, I never show some when I am speaking of the parents. If they are, I think they will refuse their children continue to play!!
To be continued!
What happened to me since the beginning of the month? Well, ups and downs. For ten days, it goes well but the first days of the year were pretty tough. I spent the phases of depression with high and very, very low. Sometimes in the same day, I could go through different mental states ... What are the reasons for all this? Hmm ... There are different things but most important is that I opened a big issue in my last session with my shrink. This file is so large that it will take me several sessions to describe it before starting to understand. I knew I would have to open the folder that contains all my madness and that it would be difficult for me to talk to someone ... The problem was finding the right time to do ... And I think I have not chosen the right time. Since that meeting earlier this month, I have not seen my shrink (his wife has major health problems and is off for now). I remain a sense of unease ... The day after this session, I was really bad ... I hope to resume work quickly to free myself from all this.
Well, if I made the sales and ... I even bought shoes. I still wait on 3 new pairs during the week!! I will continue to put a picture here. For now, I take a picture in my apartment but I'll start putting them in a situation!! Ah! Ah!
In addition, level work, my team left the University this week. It's the end of a period. After 14 years in this university, I leave with some regret: regrets of the university atmosphere, regrets the location of the university. But I have no regrets about the evolution of research in the university. In short, sociological research, and more broadly in the humanities, is now bursting open mouth. The news is happening elsewhere now, even in small teams like our private self. Now, our office will be in Montfort-sur-Meu (a small town near Rennes, my city). So I will live in the city and go to work in the countryside, its cool!
Speaking of work, I have many interventions planned until the end of March. These are all interventions on the use of the computer, Internet, social networks and video games by young people. For my speech last Tuesday, I was looking for the Leroy Jenkins video. In the searching, I fell on others I knew. Including that of the young German. I share them here. Every time I see them, I wonder whether it is better to laugh than cry! Still, I never show some when I am speaking of the parents. If they are, I think they will refuse their children continue to play!!
To be continued!
Dans ce que tu me dis tu me fais un peu penser mon prof de linguistique qui est gnial. J'en avais jamais fait et au dbut a me semblait vraiment compliqu, plein de charabia etc., mais mon prof a tellement l'envie de partager et le soucis qu'on comprenne bien... jusqu' rpondre mes questions dans le couloir une fois alors qu'on avait du quitter l'amphi.
Je ne saurai pas bien dcrire mais on voit qu'il a vraiment envie de nous apprendre qqch, d'tre clair, et qu'il s'intresse toutes nos questions, prend des notes de ce qu'on dit pour y rflchir encore plus tard (pour ses prochains cours sur le sujet j'imagine), etc.
Et du coup a fonctionne, enfin je dis pas que a marchera autant la prochaine fois pour moi mais l j'ai eu 18 alors qu'au dbut j'tais compltement dmunie devant les premiers exos.
J'ai pas du tout le souvenir de ce genre de prof en fac il y a 10 ans. Aprs comme je disais le fait que je sois en tudes nordiques a change pas mal l'ambiance, pas de vouvoiement, les profs connaissent nos prnoms, y'a une chorale prof/lves, c'est pas mal un truc de fou quand mme