(credits: Audrey Perrot)
Hi Guys!!!
Since two days I am so excited and can't wait to be saturday!
On saturday and sunday there is the second Internation Tattoo Convention of Rennes in Brittany! Last year, I can't go because of work but this year, I will!!! It will be my first Tattoo convention and it will be awesome!! I 'll meet some french SG and SGH like
@marlene @ilo @saphyr @vehera @babal and @cersei (I hope I don't forget anyone), I'll have new tattoos, meet up some friends!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
I will not here during all the week end, but check our Instagram because it will be the selfie saturday and we will probably flood you feed with so much selfies!!!
💜 💜 🌴