i've had lots of time this last week to reflect on being me, and i've come up with the realization that overall, i love being me. although, a lot of the time, when i turn out to be right about certain people, it ends up with me being alone. other times, i'm the asshole. still, i do have a desire to be something, to grow, to stand for something more than just me. i have more to offer than just this, and i am more than perfect, i am human.
be that as it may.
-s h
be that as it may.
-s h
I'll probably change the pic on Monday, but the whole set won't be up for another week.
It's good to love being you! I think that's probably the most important part of being happy. Even though I sometimes don't love being me, I'm pretty sure I don't want to be anyone else, so I'm trying to make the best of it.