Started a new job on the 17th selling cars. Very excited. Had my first go on the phones today and have two deals to close tomorrow. Had to take my lip piercings out for the job, but will be getting tattoo's to compensate. Feels kinda strange not having metal in my face. Don't like it.

Thinking about buying a Daihatsu Copen, in Silver with Red...
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Back from Spain, not really got a tan, but I do have white bits where I managed not to burn. Good stuff. Scammed the day off and have been drinking coffee and smoking lots with a friend, who had lots of gossip for me which is all good. She has also just had a new tattoo done of Spike from Gremlins coming out of her...
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Yay, my SG goodies arrived today. Very excited. Didn't think they were gonna come after what happened last time. But I finally have the SG cards that I promised my boyfriend for christmas. Not such a bad girlfriend afterall. Even with them being nearly five months late.

Very happy. biggrin
Suitable cheery Birthday greetings! *mwah!*
Thanks guys. Not happy about the whole 22 thing, but I'll see how it goes. Luckily I didn't wake up with wrinkles, so already it's not as bad as I thought.
I just looked at my bank balance and I have 150 pounds left of my 600 pound overdraft. I am officially screwed. I hate money, I hate the bank and I hate that my old job haven't made a decision so I'm stuck having to just think that I might be working at Virgin for a while, which makes me want to curl up in...
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awww...thats horrid.

especially the Matt Bianco bit.

sending you some HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS
I hate technology and everything to do with it. I'm about ready to throw the computer out of the window and crush my iPod with a hammer. Why invent these bloody things if they don't bloody work. Man it makes me angry.

I hate Apple.
Apple sucks cock. The ipod is the worse MP3 player I've had.

I tend to spend a large ammount of time either bored and/or horny; so if I'm trying to blank my mind with boredom the latter creeps in... wink
What a crap day, the weathers awful, I've got no money, all my friends are at work and I have nothing to do.

Might go have a bath, that'll at least waste an hour.


Everyone should listen to The Mooney Suzuki though. Excellent stuff.
Yup; all the housework - I cook too; I'm quite the domestic goddess. Hell, I'm a wonder in the bedroom too (what is that Jerry Hall quote again...?)
well that's me to a tee -except of course I would be a man-whore biggrin
Resigned from work today, have a hearing in 45 minutes. Part of me feels sick the other is excited.

On much much better news the better half for two years today just bought me a very shiney very expensive diamond white gold ring.

Will look very pretty on my finger. Can't wait! eeek
It's been ages since I've said anything on here so I thought I would make it today that I write something.

A little bit bored and home on my own so couldn't think of anything else to do.

Changed my hair again and no longer have dreads. Will get a pic up when I get chance.

Don't really have anything to write.

Anyone got anything...
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Wibble!! smile wink
So christmas has been and gone for another year. It's not as interesting as it was when I was a kid. Although I did get some brilliant presents. So that's always a bonus.

Did anyone else get something really cool?
I got a bit older wink

I see that you are from Derby, hello fellow Midlander smile

And a Gemini too eeek

Have fun tongue
Got myself some dreads.

Will get some better pics and put them on here later,,, smile