I'm back!
Sort of.
Dealio: no net access....more like limited....stuck using public access computers....meaning not much SG for a while. Poo.
The move was in fact successful. Now I just have to get a phone line, and then I can use all these damn free hours via AOL cd's that I've racked up over the years. I knew these would come in handy sooner or later. And doooon't suggest getting high speed either. I'm planning on it. I just can't afford it at the given moment. Have to wait a while....until I get a second job and the money starts rolling in.
Which might not be that long...
But I loves all of ya!
added at some random time of morning whilst still at the friends house:
Yeah. Rockin' the new haircut....on a day where I didn't anticipate any pictures being taken of me, so it's not styled and all greasy and shit. Ugh.
Sort of.
Dealio: no net access....more like limited....stuck using public access computers....meaning not much SG for a while. Poo.
The move was in fact successful. Now I just have to get a phone line, and then I can use all these damn free hours via AOL cd's that I've racked up over the years. I knew these would come in handy sooner or later. And doooon't suggest getting high speed either. I'm planning on it. I just can't afford it at the given moment. Have to wait a while....until I get a second job and the money starts rolling in.
Which might not be that long...
But I loves all of ya!
added at some random time of morning whilst still at the friends house:

Yeah. Rockin' the new haircut....on a day where I didn't anticipate any pictures being taken of me, so it's not styled and all greasy and shit. Ugh.
I'm sorry I'm not around too much, but I still loves ya and I miss talking to you. I need to get your messenger names so we can talk more often.