I remembered these yesterday at work:
-6 years old. That was the year I found out that Santa wasn't real, ran across one of my gifts in my mom's closet while looking for my dress shoes for school. (The school Christmas play was that day, and I was in it.) I remember that I had gotten a sleeping bag that year and my mom had bought me a Winnie the Pooh nightgown. It was "picky on my skin" but I wore it anyways. I remember that when we got home from my grandparent's house on Christmas Eve, I wanted to sleep in the sleeping bag on the floor. So I did that. And for what must have been an hour, I just laid on the floor and stared at my window - a huge ass bay window - that was laced with Christmas lights, wondering what my mom had gotten me, since she did all the shopping. I eventually fell asleep....only to be woken up at 6 am by my little brother, Bradley, jumping onto me and screaming "WAKE UP SANTA CAME!"
-11 years old. First Christmas spent with my mom as just a holiday stay. I was living with my dad at that time, and he's a Jehovah's Witness (insert spine shattering shudder right here). My mom had finally caved and bought me a nutcracker doll like I had been begging for the entire year, along with some combat boots, and a new radio. This was the tradition: get up, everyone opens the gifts, thanks all around, and then we eat. And I was STARVING. So, we go to eat and my mom told me I wasn't done opening my presents yet. I'm all "Huh?" She told me to go look at the tree. Okay, at this time, she's living with her parents again, and they had the Christmas tree to end all trees. It's the tree I compare all other trees to. This thing will SWALLOW YOU WHOLE. And she wanted me to go look at it! So, being a good little girl, I did, and after a minute, my eyes fell upon two stocking ornaments that hadn't been on that tree the night before...and in them were sitting two cassette tapes: an Offspring tape and a Gloria Estefan tape. Oh damn, my mom actually got me an Offspring tape! JOY! Spent the rest of the morning putting together my radio. (The speakers were detachable.)
-20 years old. Spent Christmas day with my grandparents, my aunt Cyndi, her husband, and their kids. Grandparents aside, I hadn't seen any of my mom's side of the family since I was 12. Spent the day opening presents, sipping coffee and playing catch up. 'Twas a good day.
With all that said, I bid you all a very joyous holiday.
-6 years old. That was the year I found out that Santa wasn't real, ran across one of my gifts in my mom's closet while looking for my dress shoes for school. (The school Christmas play was that day, and I was in it.) I remember that I had gotten a sleeping bag that year and my mom had bought me a Winnie the Pooh nightgown. It was "picky on my skin" but I wore it anyways. I remember that when we got home from my grandparent's house on Christmas Eve, I wanted to sleep in the sleeping bag on the floor. So I did that. And for what must have been an hour, I just laid on the floor and stared at my window - a huge ass bay window - that was laced with Christmas lights, wondering what my mom had gotten me, since she did all the shopping. I eventually fell asleep....only to be woken up at 6 am by my little brother, Bradley, jumping onto me and screaming "WAKE UP SANTA CAME!"
-11 years old. First Christmas spent with my mom as just a holiday stay. I was living with my dad at that time, and he's a Jehovah's Witness (insert spine shattering shudder right here). My mom had finally caved and bought me a nutcracker doll like I had been begging for the entire year, along with some combat boots, and a new radio. This was the tradition: get up, everyone opens the gifts, thanks all around, and then we eat. And I was STARVING. So, we go to eat and my mom told me I wasn't done opening my presents yet. I'm all "Huh?" She told me to go look at the tree. Okay, at this time, she's living with her parents again, and they had the Christmas tree to end all trees. It's the tree I compare all other trees to. This thing will SWALLOW YOU WHOLE. And she wanted me to go look at it! So, being a good little girl, I did, and after a minute, my eyes fell upon two stocking ornaments that hadn't been on that tree the night before...and in them were sitting two cassette tapes: an Offspring tape and a Gloria Estefan tape. Oh damn, my mom actually got me an Offspring tape! JOY! Spent the rest of the morning putting together my radio. (The speakers were detachable.)
-20 years old. Spent Christmas day with my grandparents, my aunt Cyndi, her husband, and their kids. Grandparents aside, I hadn't seen any of my mom's side of the family since I was 12. Spent the day opening presents, sipping coffee and playing catch up. 'Twas a good day.
With all that said, I bid you all a very joyous holiday.

dude...get me contacts. would be awesome to play there. if that guy oks it, give me emails, phone numbers, whatever. we'll send him a press pack and all that good stuff.
glad you had a good christmas