Just to get this off my chest now.....I HATE YOU SAN DIEGO!!!
Okay, phew!
So, yeah, I'm home. Late. About 24 hours late. And I have a good reason why. Why? I ended up in the emergency room last night.
Oh! Right! The trip! Yeah, it contributed to that.
Friday: Leave here in the morning to go to San Diego. Went to Hayward first to meet up at EvilLynn's place to head there with her and her mom. Her mom's way rad by the way. We leave the Bay Area about 4:30 and get to West Covina about 12ish. We crash at EvilLynn's friends house that night. Fairly simple trip, full of really gross jokes. (Thanks, Mom.
Saturday: Leave West Covina about 12:30, didn't get to San Diego until about 4:30 because of ALL THE FUCKING TRAFFIC! Get to the hotel, get ready, leave about 7 pm. We're within walking distance of Street Scene, so we get there about 7:20. AFI's not on until about 9. So we mill around, hit the merch booth. I bought some black on black AFI icon pins that were for the DF only. WOO HOO USED MY DF CARD!
Okay, you're expecting me to go into detail about AFI's set right? No. Let's go into detail about THE CROWD. Basically, the crowd was nothing but bro's, guys who wanted to throw down and idiot fans. When they started playing, the crowd went APESHIT. I kid you not, people were screaming and clawing their way to get to DAVEY. NOT to see the band, no, to see him. Me - I was too busy trying to stay alive! Long story short, the crowd was beyond insane, people were getting injured left and right. EvilLynn and I got seperated at one point and I seriously thought I was going to die. Davey stopped the set in the middle of the third song and started screaming at everyone to back up, let people out, help anyone who was on the ground up. HE WAS PISSED. He was bascially cursing at the crowd. The band had to stop playing three times because of the crowd. It was sooo fucked. The band was good, but the crowd was horrible. Yes, EvilLynn and I got out alive, or else I wouldn't be here. But it was seriously bad, I have never been so scared in my life, and I've never seen EvilLynn that scared.
I ended up running into jesthestar after the whole pit incident. She's soo fucking cool. Seriously, you should be jealous of us for meeting her. She should have some pics from the show for all to see soon. Annnnnnd Chloe was there too! Yup. EvilLynn told me she thought an SG was at the AFI merch booth, so I went to check it out and sure enough, there was Chloe, talking to Jen, one of the merch booth people. Dude, Chloe is awesome, be jealous of me now.
The night went fairly smoothly after that. I met up with a buddy from online, Niki, and we went to see Ludacris's set. Remember when I wrote about how some kids tried to find me a ticket for the HOB show back on February 16th? Weeell, one of the guys, Joe, was there so I got to say hi to him. WOO! (GOD, he's so cute.) I felt so bad though. He was looking for his friend, who he lost in the pit, and she was only 14. Turns out she landed in the hospital. (Everyone, send Katie, the 14 year old, good vibes!)
After the shows ended, we (Niki and her friend Jessica included) milled around. I got to meet Fritch, the merch guy, and gave him my San Bern pics to get to the guys. He, EvilLynn and I talked, and then our little gang took off for the hotels. Called it a night.
Saturday: going home now. We drove in Sarah's beautiful new car back to West Covina. We had left in her car for SD, obviously. EvilLynn was in soo much pain that she couldn't even drive, her back was hit. My entire left side was throbbing and I could hardly lift my left arm. Plus my left shoulder blade was tender to the touch, my chest felt tight, and my neck was sore. We ended up driving back to her place and she and I went to a hospital in Oakland. Her back is sprained and my ribs are bruised, so now I have a bandage wrap around them. We got there around 5ish and didn't get out of there until 10. I ended up having to crash at her place, because I couldn't get back to Petaluma. She went out, the little trooper, to the Curiosa Afterparty. I couldn't go, because it was 21 up. And even if it wasn't, I was so tired and in so much pain that I only wanted to sleep. And sleep I did.
Today: At EvilLynn's all day, bullshitting around. Finally took my motrin, at her forcing me too (damn you woman!
) I hit the BART around 7, got to a bus around 8:45 and got home at 10.
And after all this...all I have to say is:
Next tour, they are SO signing my bandage wrap. They so fucking owe me. (hahahahaha!)
Yup, had a nice little present waiting for me when I got home. I'm happy.
Okay, phew!
So, yeah, I'm home. Late. About 24 hours late. And I have a good reason why. Why? I ended up in the emergency room last night.

Oh! Right! The trip! Yeah, it contributed to that.
Friday: Leave here in the morning to go to San Diego. Went to Hayward first to meet up at EvilLynn's place to head there with her and her mom. Her mom's way rad by the way. We leave the Bay Area about 4:30 and get to West Covina about 12ish. We crash at EvilLynn's friends house that night. Fairly simple trip, full of really gross jokes. (Thanks, Mom.

Saturday: Leave West Covina about 12:30, didn't get to San Diego until about 4:30 because of ALL THE FUCKING TRAFFIC! Get to the hotel, get ready, leave about 7 pm. We're within walking distance of Street Scene, so we get there about 7:20. AFI's not on until about 9. So we mill around, hit the merch booth. I bought some black on black AFI icon pins that were for the DF only. WOO HOO USED MY DF CARD!
Okay, you're expecting me to go into detail about AFI's set right? No. Let's go into detail about THE CROWD. Basically, the crowd was nothing but bro's, guys who wanted to throw down and idiot fans. When they started playing, the crowd went APESHIT. I kid you not, people were screaming and clawing their way to get to DAVEY. NOT to see the band, no, to see him. Me - I was too busy trying to stay alive! Long story short, the crowd was beyond insane, people were getting injured left and right. EvilLynn and I got seperated at one point and I seriously thought I was going to die. Davey stopped the set in the middle of the third song and started screaming at everyone to back up, let people out, help anyone who was on the ground up. HE WAS PISSED. He was bascially cursing at the crowd. The band had to stop playing three times because of the crowd. It was sooo fucked. The band was good, but the crowd was horrible. Yes, EvilLynn and I got out alive, or else I wouldn't be here. But it was seriously bad, I have never been so scared in my life, and I've never seen EvilLynn that scared.
I ended up running into jesthestar after the whole pit incident. She's soo fucking cool. Seriously, you should be jealous of us for meeting her. She should have some pics from the show for all to see soon. Annnnnnd Chloe was there too! Yup. EvilLynn told me she thought an SG was at the AFI merch booth, so I went to check it out and sure enough, there was Chloe, talking to Jen, one of the merch booth people. Dude, Chloe is awesome, be jealous of me now.
The night went fairly smoothly after that. I met up with a buddy from online, Niki, and we went to see Ludacris's set. Remember when I wrote about how some kids tried to find me a ticket for the HOB show back on February 16th? Weeell, one of the guys, Joe, was there so I got to say hi to him. WOO! (GOD, he's so cute.) I felt so bad though. He was looking for his friend, who he lost in the pit, and she was only 14. Turns out she landed in the hospital. (Everyone, send Katie, the 14 year old, good vibes!)
After the shows ended, we (Niki and her friend Jessica included) milled around. I got to meet Fritch, the merch guy, and gave him my San Bern pics to get to the guys. He, EvilLynn and I talked, and then our little gang took off for the hotels. Called it a night.
Saturday: going home now. We drove in Sarah's beautiful new car back to West Covina. We had left in her car for SD, obviously. EvilLynn was in soo much pain that she couldn't even drive, her back was hit. My entire left side was throbbing and I could hardly lift my left arm. Plus my left shoulder blade was tender to the touch, my chest felt tight, and my neck was sore. We ended up driving back to her place and she and I went to a hospital in Oakland. Her back is sprained and my ribs are bruised, so now I have a bandage wrap around them. We got there around 5ish and didn't get out of there until 10. I ended up having to crash at her place, because I couldn't get back to Petaluma. She went out, the little trooper, to the Curiosa Afterparty. I couldn't go, because it was 21 up. And even if it wasn't, I was so tired and in so much pain that I only wanted to sleep. And sleep I did.
Today: At EvilLynn's all day, bullshitting around. Finally took my motrin, at her forcing me too (damn you woman!

And after all this...all I have to say is:
Next tour, they are SO signing my bandage wrap. They so fucking owe me. (hahahahaha!)
Yup, had a nice little present waiting for me when I got home. I'm happy.
wooo pics of you