Okay, quick update before I do...whatever before I have to head off to work.
I guess there might be a few people who didn't get the joke behind that Havok icon I posted in my journal entry previous to this one: It was meant as a joke.
From what I have heard from fans, and have witnessed first hand, Davey tends to act very....feminine most of the time. And don't say he doesn't. I remember how some of you reacted when I posted that some AFI board members applied to become SG's and were accepted. I remember the jokes in the comments that ensued. I saw the full versions of those pictures that flash in the icon and just screamed out "QUIT ACTING LIKE A GIRL, YOU'RE A GUY!". I thought it'd be kinda funny to create something like...well...what I made.
And yes, I realized it might be a tad bit offensive, but I was hoping some people would get the joke. I can't apologize for that, because that's how you chose to view it. And I'm not asking for you to apologize for not getting the joke, because you decided not to see it like that and that was your decision.
So, with that being said, I'm off.
I guess there might be a few people who didn't get the joke behind that Havok icon I posted in my journal entry previous to this one: It was meant as a joke.
From what I have heard from fans, and have witnessed first hand, Davey tends to act very....feminine most of the time. And don't say he doesn't. I remember how some of you reacted when I posted that some AFI board members applied to become SG's and were accepted. I remember the jokes in the comments that ensued. I saw the full versions of those pictures that flash in the icon and just screamed out "QUIT ACTING LIKE A GIRL, YOU'RE A GUY!". I thought it'd be kinda funny to create something like...well...what I made.
And yes, I realized it might be a tad bit offensive, but I was hoping some people would get the joke. I can't apologize for that, because that's how you chose to view it. And I'm not asking for you to apologize for not getting the joke, because you decided not to see it like that and that was your decision.
So, with that being said, I'm off.
I had to check it out after that. I don't like any band so much that I'd get offended by someone making fun of them. Exept for Johnny Cash. You Do Not make fun of the Man in Black.

I didn't recognize him...