Okay, so you guys are probably looking for a real update, aren't ya?
Friday: hit the Golden Gate Transit to San Fran, got off the bus at Van Ness and O'Farrell. Spent about a half hour searching for retro_active's pad for his pre SGB party. But once I found it, everything was all good. The party was pretty cool, I finally got to meet some SG's! Sita, Coco, Lola, Holly, Sadie, Soraya and Jazmin! I'm so happy!!!! To tell you the truth, there were so many people there, that I can't really remember who all showed up - but it was awesome to meet them, everyone rocked. So yeah, we partied and headed to the SG show, where I met Love, she is the most adorable thing ever!. And like always, I managed to spaz and make an ass out of myself at another event because mother fuckin' Davey Havok was there, I didn't want to bother him ,and someone who shall remain nameless *coughFaseplantcough* picked me up and hauled me over to him, while I was kicking and screaming to put me down. I don't like being picked up. I should elaborate more on the show, but I'll save that for later.
I met Olivia there as well, must not forget her. Afterwards, we all called it a night and I headed over with Faseplant to his place to crash.
Saturday: Up at 9, out the door by 11, at Tower Records in the Castro by 1. Why? SG book signing! I felt so special there. I mean yeah, I wasn't able to sign anything, I had no reason to. But I got to chill behind the autograph table purely because I'm in Limbo. And everyone was cool about it, hee! I did buy an SG book and had the girls sign it. I can safely say that Sicily's page in my book is one of a kind. Hee! After that, Sita, Lola and I hit the Pork Store to get something to eat. Sadie met up with us and Lola's boyfriend met up later. Milled around SF for a while before I had to head to Jazmin's to help her set up for her party, which was fairly easy and I think we made the place look purty. Well, her mainly, cause she cleaned - but I made pretty rose arrangments! A few of the people that were at retro_active's part showed up to Jazmin's: StinkyTrunks, thatmikeguy, miffy, Koletta, Coco, davel. I got ready for the SG show at Jazmin's and headed out early to meet up with Marisa and Paul.
Now this is the show to talk about.
Stormy, Pearl, and Shera were out in the crowd watching the opening bands, so I said hi to them, got me some hugs from Stormy. I met Lotus there, she sooo sweet! And adorable. I also ran into Hera while I was there, she was the stagehand that night. Dude, that made my night, she is so awesome, I've been wanting to meet her for a while. Tegan showed up, glad to meet her. I managed to find a spot RIGHT in front of the stage, and that's where my troupe was the entire time.
I'm so glad we did that!
The show was fucking awesome, even better than Friday's show. Pearl's hula hoop set is one of the best, she's so fucking great. Nixon and I blew kisses to each other, she's adorable. She was even kind enough to make her way over to Paul during her individual dance and dance for him. That TOTALLY made his night. (Thank you Nixon!!!) And like I said, Stormy humped my face twice! Okay, exaggeration. She danced for me twice, ha, that's still some SG lovin'. And there were quite a bit of people who got chocolate dumped on their face. Reagan went all out and just covered my face with chocolate. Hey, I'm not complaining! Marisa and I got into a chocolate fight, wiping it off of my face onto hers and her smearing it even more on my face, much fun! Stormy even dove into the crowd and surfed at the end of the show. Much fun to be had by all. We left shortly thereafter, after Marisa and I got cleaned up. Yeah, I was a mess, but fuck I was proud!
Sunday: mass public transportation enroute to Gilman St. for a free show to see Faseplant's band playing. They're pretty good, but I would have liked it even more if I had understood the lead singer. But hey, at least I had something cute to look at.
The Frisk played as well. I'm coming to like their shows a lot, Jesse has an awesome stage presence. Zach is just plain cute and can just fucking wail away on the guitar. They have a new bassist, he was okay at best. Hunter, ha, it's so weird to see him play drums being that I'm so used to seeing him playing bass at AFI shows. I would have liked to have gotten pictures, but my fucking camera rewound for some reason, so no pictures.
Mass public transpo enroute to Petaluma thus ensued and it took me five fucking hours to get home. During which, I had to wait an hour and a half in San Raefel to catch a bus to Petaluma, and I ran into a really ugly trannie. I had my Clandestine book with me, so I opened it to one of the first pages, and showed that page to him and said "Hunnie, he's not even trying to look like a girl" and pointed to Davey, "and he's doing a much better job of it than you are."
Much Hispanic cussing came forth. Ha! Fuck it, it was funny.
Crash! HOME! Sleep! Night.
Edit at 8:28 pm Take your best shot biatches!!!! Just how well do you think you know me?
Friday: hit the Golden Gate Transit to San Fran, got off the bus at Van Ness and O'Farrell. Spent about a half hour searching for retro_active's pad for his pre SGB party. But once I found it, everything was all good. The party was pretty cool, I finally got to meet some SG's! Sita, Coco, Lola, Holly, Sadie, Soraya and Jazmin! I'm so happy!!!! To tell you the truth, there were so many people there, that I can't really remember who all showed up - but it was awesome to meet them, everyone rocked. So yeah, we partied and headed to the SG show, where I met Love, she is the most adorable thing ever!. And like always, I managed to spaz and make an ass out of myself at another event because mother fuckin' Davey Havok was there, I didn't want to bother him ,and someone who shall remain nameless *coughFaseplantcough* picked me up and hauled me over to him, while I was kicking and screaming to put me down. I don't like being picked up. I should elaborate more on the show, but I'll save that for later.

Saturday: Up at 9, out the door by 11, at Tower Records in the Castro by 1. Why? SG book signing! I felt so special there. I mean yeah, I wasn't able to sign anything, I had no reason to. But I got to chill behind the autograph table purely because I'm in Limbo. And everyone was cool about it, hee! I did buy an SG book and had the girls sign it. I can safely say that Sicily's page in my book is one of a kind. Hee! After that, Sita, Lola and I hit the Pork Store to get something to eat. Sadie met up with us and Lola's boyfriend met up later. Milled around SF for a while before I had to head to Jazmin's to help her set up for her party, which was fairly easy and I think we made the place look purty. Well, her mainly, cause she cleaned - but I made pretty rose arrangments! A few of the people that were at retro_active's part showed up to Jazmin's: StinkyTrunks, thatmikeguy, miffy, Koletta, Coco, davel. I got ready for the SG show at Jazmin's and headed out early to meet up with Marisa and Paul.
Now this is the show to talk about.
Stormy, Pearl, and Shera were out in the crowd watching the opening bands, so I said hi to them, got me some hugs from Stormy. I met Lotus there, she sooo sweet! And adorable. I also ran into Hera while I was there, she was the stagehand that night. Dude, that made my night, she is so awesome, I've been wanting to meet her for a while. Tegan showed up, glad to meet her. I managed to find a spot RIGHT in front of the stage, and that's where my troupe was the entire time.
I'm so glad we did that!
The show was fucking awesome, even better than Friday's show. Pearl's hula hoop set is one of the best, she's so fucking great. Nixon and I blew kisses to each other, she's adorable. She was even kind enough to make her way over to Paul during her individual dance and dance for him. That TOTALLY made his night. (Thank you Nixon!!!) And like I said, Stormy humped my face twice! Okay, exaggeration. She danced for me twice, ha, that's still some SG lovin'. And there were quite a bit of people who got chocolate dumped on their face. Reagan went all out and just covered my face with chocolate. Hey, I'm not complaining! Marisa and I got into a chocolate fight, wiping it off of my face onto hers and her smearing it even more on my face, much fun! Stormy even dove into the crowd and surfed at the end of the show. Much fun to be had by all. We left shortly thereafter, after Marisa and I got cleaned up. Yeah, I was a mess, but fuck I was proud!
Sunday: mass public transportation enroute to Gilman St. for a free show to see Faseplant's band playing. They're pretty good, but I would have liked it even more if I had understood the lead singer. But hey, at least I had something cute to look at.

Much Hispanic cussing came forth. Ha! Fuck it, it was funny.
Crash! HOME! Sleep! Night.
Edit at 8:28 pm Take your best shot biatches!!!! Just how well do you think you know me?
Well here are some kisses to make up for it.