Okay, wow, couple of past days have been a trip. Especially last night. Perhaps I should bring you up to speed...
Almost two weeks ago, I was evicted from the place I was staying, told to get at 1 pm with a deadline of 6 pm. So my friend Marisa, came down from Petaluma and picked me up and let me stay with her. BUT, she lives in this really small studio, so I've been splitting my time between her apartment and this huge ass house in Rohnert Park. Which was kind of a mutual decision and at the time, I didn't mind. This house might as well be a frat house. Heee. I didn't mind because most of the guys there were really cool, except for this one guy, Sean. He creeped me out, a lot. Hitting on me in front of everyone and shit. Wouldn't leave me alone, telling the other guys in the house that I slept with him. (Do I look that desperate to you!?!) Guy's just.....uuuuuugh. Ewewewewewew.
Anyways, last night, I'm over at Marisa's, chillin' with her and Jason_GPK, just drinking and watching DVD's. Marisa's cell goes off so I hand it to her. She says it's Sean, so I'm all DUUUUDE, no let it go. He's a fucker, let it be. He leaves a voicemail, so she checks it and gets all confused. " He said it's an emergency." Well, shit, if it's an emergency....
So she calls him back and it turns out that he and two buddies, one being a guy from the house - Jay - are stuck in Santa Rosa, with a broken down car. And are in need of our help. Well, we've been drinking, so driving is not a good idea. So he guilt trips Marisa with the fact that I've been crashing there, and she says "Let's go." Figured we'd pick them up, take them back to the house, and I'd be crashing there. Easy right?
So, we get there, and frankly, I got a semi disgusted feeling with SEAN there, Like I was going to be sick. All three guys pile into the car (think REALLY tall guys, tiny little Acura), and Sean decideds he's in charge and starts acting as though he's in a fucking taxi!!!! "Take me here, I need to get this." Okay, who the hell does this guy think he is? Anyways, so we follow his directions, twice, and end up in an A & W parking lot, waiting for some dude to show up with some software. By this time, I'm sobering up and realizing something really weird is up. Because I look out the back window, and it looks like there's a really heated discussion going on between Marisa, Sean, and some random dude he asked to meet us up there.
Before I know it, Marisa is leaning into the car, saying that she's going to take us back to Rohnert Park and she's going home and either the guys get out of the car and join Sean, or remain SMART and stay in the car so they get a ride home. Jay and the other guy are NOT stupid and stay in the car. Sean, on the other hand, starts acting like an ass and is throwing a fit because as it turns out, he wants to go to a party and wants Marisa to come and play chauffer, using the party as compensation for coming out to pick them up...and throwing my staying with him and the others into the mix. Again. Marisa was pretty adamant on going home, and with good reason. She had to be to work at noon today. The rest of us - including the guy that we met up with - are telling her to leave his ass there. Sean gets pissed, yells at Marisa and flips her off.
I've never seen her get this pissed before.
She jumps in the car, slams her door as I slam mine and peels the fuck outta there. Fuckers!!!!! HA!!!!!! I guess Sean was shocked that we didn't cave into his demands and called us three times, once on each cell phone in the car, begging for us to come back and take him home. Each time was a "Sucks to be you!" response.
On top of that, Marisa demanded that I get all my shit together and I was getting the hell out of that house immediatly. And frankly, I had no complaints. Now, I did like staying there, all the other guys were cool and I was fine with them. I just really wasn't comfortable around Sean and the fact that he kept hitting on me and trying to get me to do shit with him and I kept making it VERY clear I was not interested in him AT ALL. He's probably not used to hearing no from a girl, so it confused him and made him think he had to try harder. Uhhhhh, no.
So we got all my shit, I said my goodbyes and Marisa drove our asses home instantly.
DAMN!!!! But am I happy.
Almost two weeks ago, I was evicted from the place I was staying, told to get at 1 pm with a deadline of 6 pm. So my friend Marisa, came down from Petaluma and picked me up and let me stay with her. BUT, she lives in this really small studio, so I've been splitting my time between her apartment and this huge ass house in Rohnert Park. Which was kind of a mutual decision and at the time, I didn't mind. This house might as well be a frat house. Heee. I didn't mind because most of the guys there were really cool, except for this one guy, Sean. He creeped me out, a lot. Hitting on me in front of everyone and shit. Wouldn't leave me alone, telling the other guys in the house that I slept with him. (Do I look that desperate to you!?!) Guy's just.....uuuuuugh. Ewewewewewew.
Anyways, last night, I'm over at Marisa's, chillin' with her and Jason_GPK, just drinking and watching DVD's. Marisa's cell goes off so I hand it to her. She says it's Sean, so I'm all DUUUUDE, no let it go. He's a fucker, let it be. He leaves a voicemail, so she checks it and gets all confused. " He said it's an emergency." Well, shit, if it's an emergency....
So she calls him back and it turns out that he and two buddies, one being a guy from the house - Jay - are stuck in Santa Rosa, with a broken down car. And are in need of our help. Well, we've been drinking, so driving is not a good idea. So he guilt trips Marisa with the fact that I've been crashing there, and she says "Let's go." Figured we'd pick them up, take them back to the house, and I'd be crashing there. Easy right?
So, we get there, and frankly, I got a semi disgusted feeling with SEAN there, Like I was going to be sick. All three guys pile into the car (think REALLY tall guys, tiny little Acura), and Sean decideds he's in charge and starts acting as though he's in a fucking taxi!!!! "Take me here, I need to get this." Okay, who the hell does this guy think he is? Anyways, so we follow his directions, twice, and end up in an A & W parking lot, waiting for some dude to show up with some software. By this time, I'm sobering up and realizing something really weird is up. Because I look out the back window, and it looks like there's a really heated discussion going on between Marisa, Sean, and some random dude he asked to meet us up there.
Before I know it, Marisa is leaning into the car, saying that she's going to take us back to Rohnert Park and she's going home and either the guys get out of the car and join Sean, or remain SMART and stay in the car so they get a ride home. Jay and the other guy are NOT stupid and stay in the car. Sean, on the other hand, starts acting like an ass and is throwing a fit because as it turns out, he wants to go to a party and wants Marisa to come and play chauffer, using the party as compensation for coming out to pick them up...and throwing my staying with him and the others into the mix. Again. Marisa was pretty adamant on going home, and with good reason. She had to be to work at noon today. The rest of us - including the guy that we met up with - are telling her to leave his ass there. Sean gets pissed, yells at Marisa and flips her off.
I've never seen her get this pissed before.
She jumps in the car, slams her door as I slam mine and peels the fuck outta there. Fuckers!!!!! HA!!!!!! I guess Sean was shocked that we didn't cave into his demands and called us three times, once on each cell phone in the car, begging for us to come back and take him home. Each time was a "Sucks to be you!" response.
On top of that, Marisa demanded that I get all my shit together and I was getting the hell out of that house immediatly. And frankly, I had no complaints. Now, I did like staying there, all the other guys were cool and I was fine with them. I just really wasn't comfortable around Sean and the fact that he kept hitting on me and trying to get me to do shit with him and I kept making it VERY clear I was not interested in him AT ALL. He's probably not used to hearing no from a girl, so it confused him and made him think he had to try harder. Uhhhhh, no.
So we got all my shit, I said my goodbyes and Marisa drove our asses home instantly.
DAMN!!!! But am I happy.
crazy stuff, kinda, haha