Hehe, thanks for the comments, they did make my day, believe it or not.
There's a thread going on the music board, "Flawless but often overlooked bands". I had to agree with one person that Sevendust is vastly overlooked. They are a really good band, I love them to death. But it's like they've gone faceless ever since their debut. HOME has to be one of the greatest rock albums in history...but for all the work they put into their albums and shows, they hardly get any credit for it. Total shame.
I included Chevelle in there. I truely love this band. They're in my top five, they're great, they have the potential to blow up into something huge and grand. But again, you mention that name over here and people give you a million variations of a dumbass look. How can they have never heard of greatness!?!? True sadness, right there.
So I encourage you guys to participate in this thread, I wanna see what bands you think deserve to be noticed, and not continue to fall between the cracks.
I just realized that today is THURSDAY the 13th. Next year, it'll be on a Friday. The Crow came out on Friday, May 13th, 1994. Creepy, ain't it? Now I wish I had my DVD copy of The Crow. I haven't watched it in over a year or so. *is pouting now*
So I still want my tattoo. I found out yesterday, while Amber was getting hers that mine would be $80. I think that's a flat rate. I wanna get my sun sign, Virgo. It's going to be shaded, of course, starting on the left side as a dark purple, fading into a light purple, then into a light blue and ending on the right side as a dark blue. And I'm debating as to whether or not I want an outline of an x at the bottom of the sign. It's hard to explain withoug a picture...this is what the Virgo sign looks like:
So see, it look like an M. I'm pretty sure you could guess where the x's would go. But like I said, I'm still debating on it. But I definitly want it on my lower back. And I could have gotten it this week, because my last paycheck was over $400 - but $350 was gone instantly for rent...which threw me off because I thought the deal I had worked out was $350 a month...but I would take $175 out of each paycheck and hand over $350 on the first of the month. Not immediatly out of the only real paycheck I would get this year. GARH!!!!
I'm already thinking about some more tats. I'm deciding that since I'm pretty into fortune telling - astrology, tarot reading, palm reading - that most of the tat's I get will have something to do with that theme. Like my sun sign. I also want a small piece covering one of my shoulder blades. I want to get my grandma's sign - Leo - and my grandpa's sign - Aquarius - and somehow interweave them and have their marriage date underneath that. And I might have my personal tarot card - the Queen of Cups, tatt'ed somewhere on me, probably my calf. That one is a few years off, most definitely. It doesn't seem so bad now. I was with Amber when she was getting hers done yesterday over at Lucky Stars Tattoo in San Jose. She said the outline feels like constant beestings - which ain't bad because I've been stung before, wasn't too horrible. And the shading burned. I can totally deal with burning sensations, I get it all the time from that damn facial cleanser of mine. (Might as well use the rest up, there's only a little left.) And seing how I'm a fucking klutz and am constantly doing SOMETHING to myself, it shouldn't be too bad.
Here's her tat:

There's a thread going on the music board, "Flawless but often overlooked bands". I had to agree with one person that Sevendust is vastly overlooked. They are a really good band, I love them to death. But it's like they've gone faceless ever since their debut. HOME has to be one of the greatest rock albums in history...but for all the work they put into their albums and shows, they hardly get any credit for it. Total shame.
I included Chevelle in there. I truely love this band. They're in my top five, they're great, they have the potential to blow up into something huge and grand. But again, you mention that name over here and people give you a million variations of a dumbass look. How can they have never heard of greatness!?!? True sadness, right there.
So I encourage you guys to participate in this thread, I wanna see what bands you think deserve to be noticed, and not continue to fall between the cracks.
I just realized that today is THURSDAY the 13th. Next year, it'll be on a Friday. The Crow came out on Friday, May 13th, 1994. Creepy, ain't it? Now I wish I had my DVD copy of The Crow. I haven't watched it in over a year or so. *is pouting now*
So I still want my tattoo. I found out yesterday, while Amber was getting hers that mine would be $80. I think that's a flat rate. I wanna get my sun sign, Virgo. It's going to be shaded, of course, starting on the left side as a dark purple, fading into a light purple, then into a light blue and ending on the right side as a dark blue. And I'm debating as to whether or not I want an outline of an x at the bottom of the sign. It's hard to explain withoug a picture...this is what the Virgo sign looks like:

So see, it look like an M. I'm pretty sure you could guess where the x's would go. But like I said, I'm still debating on it. But I definitly want it on my lower back. And I could have gotten it this week, because my last paycheck was over $400 - but $350 was gone instantly for rent...which threw me off because I thought the deal I had worked out was $350 a month...but I would take $175 out of each paycheck and hand over $350 on the first of the month. Not immediatly out of the only real paycheck I would get this year. GARH!!!!
I'm already thinking about some more tats. I'm deciding that since I'm pretty into fortune telling - astrology, tarot reading, palm reading - that most of the tat's I get will have something to do with that theme. Like my sun sign. I also want a small piece covering one of my shoulder blades. I want to get my grandma's sign - Leo - and my grandpa's sign - Aquarius - and somehow interweave them and have their marriage date underneath that. And I might have my personal tarot card - the Queen of Cups, tatt'ed somewhere on me, probably my calf. That one is a few years off, most definitely. It doesn't seem so bad now. I was with Amber when she was getting hers done yesterday over at Lucky Stars Tattoo in San Jose. She said the outline feels like constant beestings - which ain't bad because I've been stung before, wasn't too horrible. And the shading burned. I can totally deal with burning sensations, I get it all the time from that damn facial cleanser of mine. (Might as well use the rest up, there's only a little left.) And seing how I'm a fucking klutz and am constantly doing SOMETHING to myself, it shouldn't be too bad.
Here's her tat:

Yeah yeah, those two bands are so underrated too. They're frickin' awesome!! Posted to back you up on it to! 

SHHHHH...no one is supposed to know that we're pycho!!!