So, I've got a thread going here, about scars.
I have no tats, but I have scars.
Most interesting, in my opinion:
-3 inch scar on the back of my head, gained from a chair I was tipping back in falling completely back and the back of my head slid down the corner of a cabinet. I was 5 then and had to get stiches.
- 1/2 inch scar on the bottom of my chin, right on the edge, my mom got pissed at me when I refused to get out of my bed cause of my intense fear of blinking clocks (yeah, I was weird as a child too) and tossed me across a tile floor. I was 6 then. Or was I four... Earliest form of child abuse I can remember.
- oval centimeter long round raised scar on my stomach, right by my navel, from a severe case of chicken pox for Thanksgiving. I was 6 then. I wonder if I have scars on my head too...
- centimeter long stab wound on my right hand somewhere, from my brother accidently stabbing my hand with a box cutter, I had a balloon in my hand and he was trying to pop it. I was 15 then, but I didn't care cause we were both being stupid.
- 3 round scars on my right foot, my former best friends bike used to have a mind of it's own and it suddenly gave out on me and spilled me into the middle of the road, my foot got caught between the road and the tire spokes. I was 15 then too.
-for some odd reason, it seems I have a tiny chunk of skin taken out of my forehead, above my right eyebrow....really tiny, only noticable if you look close...and the same thing on my chest too, right by my right boob. But that one's a leech scar.
Okay, so, since I see you guys aren't participating in the thread, I ask you participate here.
Oh, and more pics will be posted soon...they're in the process of being edited and cropped and all that shit.
Speaking of pics and shit, heh, no matter how sessy Apnea's sets are, I just see her face and I wanna go AWWWW, cute!!!
And I want to hug Alexis, because her sets are just soo fucking cute.
I have no tats, but I have scars.
Most interesting, in my opinion:
-3 inch scar on the back of my head, gained from a chair I was tipping back in falling completely back and the back of my head slid down the corner of a cabinet. I was 5 then and had to get stiches.
- 1/2 inch scar on the bottom of my chin, right on the edge, my mom got pissed at me when I refused to get out of my bed cause of my intense fear of blinking clocks (yeah, I was weird as a child too) and tossed me across a tile floor. I was 6 then. Or was I four... Earliest form of child abuse I can remember.
- oval centimeter long round raised scar on my stomach, right by my navel, from a severe case of chicken pox for Thanksgiving. I was 6 then. I wonder if I have scars on my head too...
- centimeter long stab wound on my right hand somewhere, from my brother accidently stabbing my hand with a box cutter, I had a balloon in my hand and he was trying to pop it. I was 15 then, but I didn't care cause we were both being stupid.
- 3 round scars on my right foot, my former best friends bike used to have a mind of it's own and it suddenly gave out on me and spilled me into the middle of the road, my foot got caught between the road and the tire spokes. I was 15 then too.
-for some odd reason, it seems I have a tiny chunk of skin taken out of my forehead, above my right eyebrow....really tiny, only noticable if you look close...and the same thing on my chest too, right by my right boob. But that one's a leech scar.
Okay, so, since I see you guys aren't participating in the thread, I ask you participate here.
Oh, and more pics will be posted soon...they're in the process of being edited and cropped and all that shit.
Speaking of pics and shit, heh, no matter how sessy Apnea's sets are, I just see her face and I wanna go AWWWW, cute!!!
And I want to hug Alexis, because her sets are just soo fucking cute.
I have a 18 inch scar on my back from surgery when I was 18.