So...I haven't updated recently.
Woe is you. You have nothing new to read.
I blew off all my journals, most of my sites and a couple of my friends. I got yelled at today by my boss for my "attitude" at work yesterday.
I think I had an episode yesterday. Remember: I have PTSD and most anything can trigger it if given I'm in the right mindframe.
I ate red meat yesterday, first time this year. I craved blood and I got it and it didn't satisfy me in the least.
Under normal circumstances, I would have avoided red meat at all costs...but like I said, I was pissy yesterday and I craved blood. Naturally, killing and cannabalism are outlawed in this country, so I resorted to the next best thing.
So there's my cardinal sin for the year.
Woe is you. You have nothing new to read.
I blew off all my journals, most of my sites and a couple of my friends. I got yelled at today by my boss for my "attitude" at work yesterday.
I think I had an episode yesterday. Remember: I have PTSD and most anything can trigger it if given I'm in the right mindframe.
I ate red meat yesterday, first time this year. I craved blood and I got it and it didn't satisfy me in the least.
Under normal circumstances, I would have avoided red meat at all costs...but like I said, I was pissy yesterday and I craved blood. Naturally, killing and cannabalism are outlawed in this country, so I resorted to the next best thing.
So there's my cardinal sin for the year.
awwww. talk to me. i'm a good person to vent to.
You boss obviously fails to realize that your attitude is part of your charm!