I saw John Tejada Last night, and I made a total idiot out myself puke . Dave (ha!ha! Raver Dave) (he hates thatwink ) brought him to Charlotte. When he introduced me, I was so stunned that John Tejada was actually standing in front of me, all I could get out was "I love your work", or some really stupid bullshit in that vein of things....
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Today I went to an Indian Market to get Indian food. I felt like an idiot, because it was the first time I'd ever been to an Indian market since I was like twelve (I grew up around a lot of them), and I obviously had no idea what the hell I was doing confused eeek tongue . It's really stupid, isn't it? I mean, I've lived near...
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I actually know some one that works there, or she might not any more 'cause the last few times I've been Jennifer wasn't there. They all left last fall to go to musak, it was no loss. They were all burn out losers. I almost do go get a job there but it's a ways from my place and I make more at my current shit job. Besides, I would spend more money than I would make there. Vinyl addiction can get costly.
I took 4 years of spanish and a year of italian and I can read and understand both pretty well, but when it comes to speaking I get all scared and feeze up. I dunno what it is about speaking that's so scary surreal
**RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY** (!!!)

This really wierd little thing happened to me during "Don't Dress for Dinner" (The last show I did). I only had five Q's for the whole show (exuluding the preshow and intermission music) and their were was like 45 min. between each of them. So I'd sneek out of theatre during most of the time. (Hey, it was a comedy...
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I just meant panties in general... not for my sets.. like in normal everyday life.. you know. that kind of thing. yeah.
maybe guys have more time on their hands to invent stupid euphemisms. or something like that.
They found a little girl's dead body on the slide at the park that is a block away the performing arts center (where I work) frown eeek frown . This was just last night at about seven o'clock. It reminds of that Clash song "Somebody got Murdered". Or that RjD2 song "Two More Dead", but maybe thats because I'm listening to that cd as I'm writing this. Their...
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what are you talking about? keggerater is a perfectly cromualnt word...
but yeah.. thats kinda creepy with the whole serial murdering thing.. be careful, if theres one thing I learned from B-horror movies it's to not walk backwards when you feel scared. you do that and youre gonna die..

by the way did you notice we have the same birthday? smile
I got all my school shit done! I got the last parts of the resume completed and all my transcripts, just have to mail them off tommorrow. smile
The play festival is going better than expected, considering the fact that I am taking stage directions from a thirteen year old puke and I didn't get the cue list until two days before the show opened puke puke . And...
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Aw, thanks for saying what you said. I really appreciate it. I think most everyone has it in them to feel the way I was describing, I just think we all need other folks to jar it out of us sometimes. I have my bad days and my good days, and today just happens to be a very good one. Thanks again, and take care.

I am going to get organized. This has been the one thing that has stopped me from doing everything I wanted to in the past. First, I have to touch up my resume. Then I have to get through the play festival with out shrieking. EEEWWWW! puke What a fucking mess it has been for the past few weeks! Do you ever feel like you keep...
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ahh im a drunken english major, so i have to try hard. yeahhh i actually cant read very well right noww my eyes feel reall dry but im sure ill come back tommorow and reply, all freshly hungover... thanks for not roasting me
What a fucked up week this has been! Yesterday I think I did what was quite possibly the most nerve racking show I've done in my career so far/life. I had only four cues to do, so you would think I would have had an easy time. Little did I suspect...
First of all, when I got to the theatre, Sabrina (my stage manger/ boss)...
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the only people for me are the mad ones
the ones who are mad to live
mad to talk
mad to be saved
desirous of everything at the same time
jack kerouac
Funny things to do at your funeral:
1. Have the morrtitian put latex zombie make up on your face so it looks like you are already rotting.
2. or, Make a video tape on your death bed and ask for them to play it at your funeral. Start with, "If you're watching this I'm dead..." and after a very sappy speech say, "...but I thought...
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Finally it stopped raining! The weather was all yucko-sucko all week frown . I'm so sick of it! THe weather never makes it's mind up! The movers came today. I had to get up early and hang out with the dogs because they were going ape shit. Their was nothing on but these E! True Hollywood Stories about a bunch of fiftees B-movie/ Sitcom actors I...
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