hey guys,
I'll be updating more often again.
We're getting internetz tomorrow. Yay!
Sorry I don't have time to reply to each of you individually right now but I have to get everything sorted and unpacked. We discovered that we have WAY too much stuff to fit in this place. lol. So we have to get a storage unit. bleh. Oh well. Our old house was literally over twice the size of this place so yeah...lots of stuff is going into storage. I would put everything that we don't absolutely need in there but OptimusPerry is insisting on sorting through all of it. /sigh
Good news...we have hot water. It ends up that the disconnect thingy was turned for some reason and they forgot to tell us until yesterday.
Ok. I know this is going to sound whiny but I'm a little irritated that we don't even have blinds. That's the least they could do considering we're on a pretty well traveled highway. I can't even get up in the morning without people seeing me naked while driving by. Eeep. It's one thing when you've got make-up on and you're getting paid for it but it's just awkward otherwise. Plus, when I asked them about that the guy was like Um...yeah...we didn't put any in. I was like well no shit sherlock...I'm asking if you WILL put them in but I've been emotional lately so I didn't say anything because if I had I would have ended up yelling. Ugh.
Sorry...end rant again. lol
So yeah.........I'm bored...and procrastinating...I guess I'll go get to work. lol
I'll be updating more often again.

Good news...we have hot water. It ends up that the disconnect thingy was turned for some reason and they forgot to tell us until yesterday.

Ok. I know this is going to sound whiny but I'm a little irritated that we don't even have blinds. That's the least they could do considering we're on a pretty well traveled highway. I can't even get up in the morning without people seeing me naked while driving by. Eeep. It's one thing when you've got make-up on and you're getting paid for it but it's just awkward otherwise. Plus, when I asked them about that the guy was like Um...yeah...we didn't put any in. I was like well no shit sherlock...I'm asking if you WILL put them in but I've been emotional lately so I didn't say anything because if I had I would have ended up yelling. Ugh.
Sorry...end rant again. lol
So yeah.........I'm bored...and procrastinating...I guess I'll go get to work. lol
Ok, well take a moment to breath and be grateful. I know a new place can be frustrating till you have it settled, but remember what it was like to be in someone else's place... Just take a moment to remember it's your place.. YAY!
I liked the guy's response, "No, we didn't put any blinds in..." That didn't really seem to be the point in question!