I feel so stupid now. lol. I just read my last blog and I definitely thought I was spelling things right. And no..I definitely am not ok this morning. ugh....I have the worst hangover ever! I never get hangovers and this is terrible. Stupid 6 shots of jager and a glass of wine.

I also got in trouble last night because I was in SG chat and on AIM and my husband was like...what are you doing? (I was um....playing.....
) Uhhh....talking to people...duh? lol. yeah...that answer didn't go over to well and he asked if he could see what I was writing. I was minimizing anyway as he was saying it and he was so drunk he got all pissed off and butthurt about it. *sigh* So...I apologized like a million bajillion times and he was just being a douche. I told him he could read it. He came over and sat down and everything. Loser. There was nothing to read. All I said was...I'm horny and then gotta go. Damnit...too much fucking drama. That's so gay. I also blacked out...so yeah.and now my girlfriend is passed out on the chair with her mouth wide open snuggled up in my blanket. hehehe. so cute.
Anyway...needless to say...I'm probably not going to have a very good shoot today because I look like Hell. ugh...and I was supposed to dye her hair blue and purple yesterday but I got drunk and luckily decided to absolutely NOT try to do it while drunk. We laughed about what would happen though. hahaha. Good times. And pushing her up against the wall and having my way with her while no one was around was pretty good too. ^_^ yumm.....
kk. I gotta go get my daughter. She's still in her room and just woke up giggling. hehehe
but first I think I shall . ughhhhhhh.