So yeah...I made Chicken Cordon Bleu tonight for the very first time and it came out delicious! Too bad I didn't get to eat very much of it....
My poor daughter threw up like 8 times.
Very nasty...and I all can say is apparently she doesn't chew her strawberries very well since they were exactly the same shape I cut them in....
again! Sorry if that was TMI. Anyway. Obviously, my daughter isn't going to be vegan anytime soon because the thing that made her puke was soy milk. I decided to try her on regular milk since we're out of formula but hubby got soy milk instead of organic. *sigh* Oh well...She's sleeping now so I think she's feeling better. ugh...all of this could have been avoided if the stupid fucking doctors had let me keep breastfeeding her at the hospital...but noooo and they took my privacy sign off the door so I couldn't even pump in peace. grrrr...anyway. I'm pretty pissed and if anyone had suggestions for bringing my milk back that would be awesome!
Ok. I'm going to go play WoW now. Hope everyone else's evening was puke free. lol.
My poor daughter threw up like 8 times.

Ok. I'm going to go play WoW now. Hope everyone else's evening was puke free. lol.
I'm home aaaaaaaall day. I think I might have to play WoW for a while... *hint hint.* *nudge nudge* Hit me up
i just got married and am cleaning out boxes i have not seen in forever and have decided to sell alot of my belongings to make room for new things in my life and try to get my head above water. i only hope that who ever ends up with these items will love them like i once had