wow. I feel like crying right now.
My husband's best friend just called him and said "hey. Me, Kristen (his fiance), James (their other best friend), and hopefully you are going to go play 9 holes of golf today at around 1:45." AKA...NOT YOUR WIFE! I KNEW IT!!! I knew they didn't fucking like me. Isn't that just the fucking shittiest thing. Yeah...leave your wife at home...the one who takes care of your kid while you go to school. The one who NEVER gets to go out with her friends. Yeah....that's really fucking nice. I'm about to cry....
edit: I feel like a retard. He called back and left a voicemail for my husband after my hubby didn't call him back like" hey...sorry it sounded like I just wanted you to come and fuck Aydan" lol. I feel paranoid now. hahaha. Sorry bout that sad post.

edit: I feel like a retard. He called back and left a voicemail for my husband after my hubby didn't call him back like" hey...sorry it sounded like I just wanted you to come and fuck Aydan" lol. I feel paranoid now. hahaha. Sorry bout that sad post.

aww man...

even though it turned out good for you, i know how it feels when your husbands friends dont like you. gosh i remember how theyd look at me and give me this: you little shit, iwanna beat you up -stare. trailertrash assholes haha