Ok. So this one is going to be pretty random....
I was thinking about this the night before last. I was feeling rather mellow and thoughtful. My husband was discussing one of his favorite cartoons. Megaman. And describing the plot. Then it struck me that in most superhero stories there is someone who wants to take over the world. It happens in many movies as well. So here's my question...
What would that one person DO once he took over the world? I mean...once you've tackled world domination what does one do? When you've finally enslaved that last person do you just sit back and call it a day? Throw a party for your self? Or is it anti-climatic and you see the dude (or chic) sit down and look around and say "damn...what do I do now?" I mean seriously. And what is ONE person going to do with the whole world anyway? Or even a small group of people? What's the point, man? To get laid? To make behbehs? Or just to say...hey...I took over the world. But if you're the ruler then there's really no one to impress. You rule them all so they're below you anyway. Also, HOW does someone rule a world? Think about it logically, you would have to have MANY people to control the day-to-day operations of different areas. So really, you wouldn't rule the world at all. Those people may report to you but they would ultimately have the means to fuck something up. I think a world ruled by one person wouldn't last a day. This person would be so exhausted from trying to rule it that he (or she) wouldn't be able to enjoy all the perks. I think the villains of Batman have the right idea...just rule one area.
wow...I just ruined every superhero movie ever.
This is very long and random. Just about a drunken girl in the gas station. So you may skip it.
In different news...I got assaulted by a drunken female at the gas station with a tube of lip gloss tonight.
Kind of made me feel good though...not the assault but what she said before the infraction occurred. lol. I walked in, grabbed my ketchup (don't ask), and went straight to the line which was pretty long as far as gas station lines go. She looked up at me, looked down awkwardly like she wanted to say something but was kind of shy, then looked back and blurted out "you have hott hair"..."you're just hott". LMAO...then she kind of kept mumbling the word "hott" for about 30 seconds. Awkward....It was more the way she said it...I'd have to show you for it to be really funny. It was like...ya know those chics who do the whole little miming a cat scratching the air and go "grrr" or "meow" but she didn't do the cat thing. lmao...I should so do a video of that but anyway......So I chatted to her about SG and told her she should check out my set when it goes up. lol. Hey...I'll take admirers where I can get them.
Then she took out the lipgloss. I thought she was going to put it on for some reason...maybe give me a kiss (thank God it wasn't that, though because that would have been very awkward to explain to the hubby), but no...then she looked like she was going to write on her hand with it but no....she wrote her myspace name ON MY ARM...what a freak man...plus it ran out of gloss halfway through the words so all I got was ROXY and smeared up mauve lipgloss glitterys all over my arm. eww! Then she looked at the wand, looked at my arm, and looked up at me in horror. She was totally humiliated. She knew she did a bad thing. hahaha. Or at least a socially awkward thing. I wasn't mad until I got home and couldn't get it off my arm...yeah...my arm hairs are all sticky and I've got a glittery forearm. Anyway...I guess she got over her humiliation (I told her it was ok and made sure she wasn't driving! eeek!) and she made sure I wouldn't forget to add her and bought her cigarettes and left. But when I got out after getting weird looks and one comment "only ketchup?" for only buying ketchup at a gas station at 9 o'clock at night she was waiting in the passenger seat (THANK GOD) of an SUV waiting to wave to me....freak. lol. Maybe I'm too nice...or maybe I get WAAAAY too much amusement out of people making asses of themselves in public. Either way...it was pretty much hilarious!
Sorry that was so long but I had to share it.

So...yeah...thanks for reading my strange thoughts and semi-hilarious antics.
Hope everyone else had a good night/day or whatever time it is for you. 
edited to include a video of what the chic sort of looked like:
multiple examples from the leading man. hahaha...the whole head turny thing...
I was thinking about this the night before last. I was feeling rather mellow and thoughtful. My husband was discussing one of his favorite cartoons. Megaman. And describing the plot. Then it struck me that in most superhero stories there is someone who wants to take over the world. It happens in many movies as well. So here's my question...
What would that one person DO once he took over the world? I mean...once you've tackled world domination what does one do? When you've finally enslaved that last person do you just sit back and call it a day? Throw a party for your self? Or is it anti-climatic and you see the dude (or chic) sit down and look around and say "damn...what do I do now?" I mean seriously. And what is ONE person going to do with the whole world anyway? Or even a small group of people? What's the point, man? To get laid? To make behbehs? Or just to say...hey...I took over the world. But if you're the ruler then there's really no one to impress. You rule them all so they're below you anyway. Also, HOW does someone rule a world? Think about it logically, you would have to have MANY people to control the day-to-day operations of different areas. So really, you wouldn't rule the world at all. Those people may report to you but they would ultimately have the means to fuck something up. I think a world ruled by one person wouldn't last a day. This person would be so exhausted from trying to rule it that he (or she) wouldn't be able to enjoy all the perks. I think the villains of Batman have the right idea...just rule one area.
wow...I just ruined every superhero movie ever.

This is very long and random. Just about a drunken girl in the gas station. So you may skip it.
In different news...I got assaulted by a drunken female at the gas station with a tube of lip gloss tonight.

Sorry that was so long but I had to share it.

So...yeah...thanks for reading my strange thoughts and semi-hilarious antics.

edited to include a video of what the chic sort of looked like:
multiple examples from the leading man. hahaha...the whole head turny thing...

but im not sure, to be honest. i havent submitted a set in a long time, plus i believe its different for sg's and hopefuls.
dont be impatient
I actually read this book that was a genetic study of the British Isles--99% of which I can't remember--but the Genghis Khan thing stuck with me (didn't apply to Britain, since he never got that far west, obviously!)
The basic upshot of the book was that while you could see elements of various later incursions (Norman, Viking, etc.) show up in the DNA to a certain extent, for the most part the English, Welsh, Irish & Scottish all descended from the same group that moved to the islands however many thousand years ago. They developed their own cultures languages after they got to Britain & spread out.