ok. So I shot a new set last night. I'm definitely turning this one in. No backing out this time.
I'm VERY proud of it.
is it weird that I want to go see Friday 13th? I mean...I have nightmares and panic attacks from those kind of movies. Ugh...I don't even know why I want to see it. I guess it's a good thing we couldn't find a babysitter, huh? bah. I still want a break to just be with my hubby. Some alone time would be amazing! edit that: Alone time where we don't have to whisper. lol...or do it in a closet because she's sleeping in our bed. lmao. Anyway....it comes down to us needing a baby-sitter for a night out. Preferably tomorrow night. *sigh* oh well.
We're having some friends over tonight. Hopefully it won't be to terribly awkward because they were engaged and she called off the engagement. They're still dating but it was SO obvious he really wants to marry her. And he's completely jealous of my husband...not because of me or anything we have...just that he has a loving wife to come home to, and cook him dinner, and make babies with.
I feel kind of bad for him. Plus...he bought her this HUGE diamond ring. I mean...huge! Like he just gave it to her 2 months ago or something like that. Poor guy...but I guess it's better for her to back out now before they started paying for everything and got too into it. :/ Hopefully it's just her parents. oh and did I mention that in two weeks he leaves for a base in Cali and at the beginning of April she will be leaving for Florida. So...um. I guess it was now or never. ugh...he's SOOOO nice. I just don't know. It sucks trying to date between branches....he's a marine and she's a sailor. :/ anyway...this was really long and rambling. I'm tired and bored and kind of pissed that my shirt from frederick's isn't here yet. *sigh*

is it weird that I want to go see Friday 13th? I mean...I have nightmares and panic attacks from those kind of movies. Ugh...I don't even know why I want to see it. I guess it's a good thing we couldn't find a babysitter, huh? bah. I still want a break to just be with my hubby. Some alone time would be amazing! edit that: Alone time where we don't have to whisper. lol...or do it in a closet because she's sleeping in our bed. lmao. Anyway....it comes down to us needing a baby-sitter for a night out. Preferably tomorrow night. *sigh* oh well.
We're having some friends over tonight. Hopefully it won't be to terribly awkward because they were engaged and she called off the engagement. They're still dating but it was SO obvious he really wants to marry her. And he's completely jealous of my husband...not because of me or anything we have...just that he has a loving wife to come home to, and cook him dinner, and make babies with.

Other than the Server, not sure which realm.

Durr. I'm kinda thinking an Orc Shaman might be badass to play...I've never done one.