My daughter is out of the hospital. Thank Goodness!! She's all better.

Ok. Here's what it is now. I'm getting my hair dyed tomorrow. What color should I do? I'm thinking auburn and like a royal purple. Or hot pink or maybe blue...or killing my cat who's in heat!!! Geez!!!!!! She will not stop rubbing all over everything and she's meowing soooooo annoyingly. It's my poor female dog is getting rubbed on. I think the cat doesn't know her own species let alone a mateable creature because she's rubbing on the dog and my Eunuch cat. Poor guy. lol. Can't even hit that even though she's rubbing all over him. AND as my husband so nicely put it she is getting her "cunt juice" all over them. LMAO!!!! Gross...ok here's what I did to solve the problem.....
bahahahahahaha!!! Yes...that is a newborn diaper I had leftover.
Anyway...back to the original subject. What do you guys think would look cool? I'm getting it cut and colored tomorrow and still haven't decided on the cut OR color...*sigh*
And I can't decide on which piercing would look better on me...a monroe, my lip again or my septum. I don't want all three just one. Indecision is crap.
Oh and I have to have surgery that I just found out...over the phone. How thoughtful of them to have the general surgery office call me to tell me I have an appointment. I mean, sure...why not just tell her over the phone instead of in person when she was at the doctor's office today. gee... ugh...anyway. I was getting an ultrasound of my breast and I think they're going to do a biopsy but I have no clue, really. I had a lump got it checked out and I guess that was all I needed to know. blah on military doctors. Anyway. My pre-surgery appointment is on February 24.
So how's everyone else's week been going so far? And last week? I wanna hear it.
kk. I'm going to go change my cat's diaper. ttyl and leave me some love!