ok. I got this from SG, Morgan. It's a very awesome idea
It's your own personal convenience center....everything you could ever want condensed into a two mile radius.
What would you want in yours?
Here's mine.
Mine would have...
-A ginormous library...kind of like your bookstore but the books are never checked out when I want them
-Definitely a park as well...actually her park sounds like my perfect park..except I'd want a carousel, too.
Oh and SLIDES!!
My daughter loves slides. Oh and a dog run...we don't have one here so my poor dog is always either on the leash or inside.
-I'd want mommy and me classes very close
-a mall with a babies R us and basically just anything me or my friends could want
All together.
-a nice non-franchise coffee shop...preferably the Coffee Shop of Horrors
-hmmm...I'd like all the same things as Morgan except the museum. I'd want a museum that held everything I could ever possibly want to know about...like an encyclopedia but in a building.
That would be awesome...of course I'd want a huge dinosaur section as well
-An awesome sushi bar is definitely a must as well
-My friends to live really close to us! I would love that...I miss them
-Everything must be 24 hours!
-mmm. an ice cream shop...like Ben and Jerry's! yumm
-A free photo studio...so I can take my daughter to get her pictures done anytime.
-A great vintage store...where the jeans actually fit me.
Hmmm...this is getting long. lol
It's your own personal convenience center....everything you could ever want condensed into a two mile radius.
What would you want in yours?
Here's mine.

Mine would have...
-A ginormous library...kind of like your bookstore but the books are never checked out when I want them
-Definitely a park as well...actually her park sounds like my perfect park..except I'd want a carousel, too.

-I'd want mommy and me classes very close
-a mall with a babies R us and basically just anything me or my friends could want

-a nice non-franchise coffee shop...preferably the Coffee Shop of Horrors

-hmmm...I'd like all the same things as Morgan except the museum. I'd want a museum that held everything I could ever possibly want to know about...like an encyclopedia but in a building.

-An awesome sushi bar is definitely a must as well
-My friends to live really close to us! I would love that...I miss them

-Everything must be 24 hours!
-mmm. an ice cream shop...like Ben and Jerry's! yumm
-A free photo studio...so I can take my daughter to get her pictures done anytime.

-A great vintage store...where the jeans actually fit me.

Hmmm...this is getting long. lol
Hmmm I'd have to think about that one, but i am a very simple man so it won't be much 

im pretty simple the only thing i would like is a park for me and my son and an home complex so me and my friend would be close and to be near my family...... and other stuff just not thinking to well not now.