Well Fuck.
I made my last car payment the other day so of course when I went to start the bastard this morning it wouldn't. Pfft. I ordered a new battery and am fucking hoping that is the problem and it's not something more serious because driving a foreign car is great...UNTIL something goes wrong. I won't bitch about that until I'm sure of what the problem is...until then grrrrrrrrrrrr. God damn machinery.
Last night at work was ummm...slightly aggravating. I had a group of 21 year old cackling blondes (not that I don't love blondes, just not this kind)who payed for their drinks in exact change and no tip. Bitches.
Needless to say their service got worse as the night progressed. Then they proceeded to tell my boss what a bitch I was. His response was beautiful he just looks at me and is like "that's why I love you." Ayastigi-1, Abercrombie Whores-0. HA!!
I made my last car payment the other day so of course when I went to start the bastard this morning it wouldn't. Pfft. I ordered a new battery and am fucking hoping that is the problem and it's not something more serious because driving a foreign car is great...UNTIL something goes wrong. I won't bitch about that until I'm sure of what the problem is...until then grrrrrrrrrrrr. God damn machinery.
Last night at work was ummm...slightly aggravating. I had a group of 21 year old cackling blondes (not that I don't love blondes, just not this kind)who payed for their drinks in exact change and no tip. Bitches.

hand the same thing happen to me just pained off my honda and the bitch refused to start for days
nice story