So I haven't had a blog in a minute. Been working some extra nights at the bar. I go to AZ this week!!! Yay!!! I love going there and spending time with my best friend and getting work done for Spinecrank. Plus we're shooting pics for a new poster so that should be a good time. So today was lame, my sister had a baby recently (not the lame part lol) so I had to go to church this morning for the baptism. I fucking hate organized religion with a fucking passion. I don't believe in "god" and listening to that babble while hungover is not my idea of a good Sunday. Then you have all the old people there who want to hug you and save your blackened tattooed soul. Lmao what an experience. I smelled like a brewery I'm sure since I just woke up and went. Point is I love my little sister and you do what you have to I guess. I put forth a solid effort and only fell asleep a couple times. Quite proud of myself.

I'm glad you made it through lol
I posted pics of the new ink i was telling you about